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FINNLEY CONNOR AND HIS BROTHER Eddie were freshly new to the dainty town of Beacon Hills, a place where everyone knew everyone, or the fact nothing interesting happened. Like that wasn't intimidating at all.

But boring wouldn't last forever, only time would tell. Finnley, or Finn as he liked to be called, didn't like the idea of moving once again, but of course the adult was in charge. So here he was, unpacking in the newly rented two story, two bedroom, one bathroom house.

Finn couldn't help but feel superstitious, but that was him overthinking as always. Once the majority of his room was unpacked he sighed in exhaustion, totally regretting stacking all of his books into two separate boxes, carrying them all the way from the moving truck and up the stairs.

His first day of school was happening the next day, it was already anxiety-inducing enough to start at a new school, it was even more difficult when you didn't know anyone there. Though, it's not like Finn had any friends back in Atlanta, he hoped he wouldn't embarrass himself.

Those chances were below five percent as Eddie would say: "Be optimistic, or else you'll stay like the grinch all year round." Finn didn't know why he factored it as a Christmas metaphor but he shrugged it off.

Not knowing what else to do, he grabbed his laptop and began typing away. Using his cellular data, as the internet wasn't a priority yet. He tried doing some research about this town. He found some articles about the sheriff of the local police station.

There was a lacrosse team at his high school, not that he would try out, sports weren't his thing, and even read about a rare sighting of a wolf. This town may have just gotten a bit intriguing, after an hour Finn felt too tired to really continue unpacking so he changed into some pajamas and went to sleep.

Tomorrow was going to be a new day, and hopefully he'll have a good time. Getting up at about six in the morning has its pros and cons, like being extremely tired. But Finn had to be productive, he got dressed and Eddie got him to school on time.

Being in a town where you had no clue how things operated, it got a little hectic, almost completely missing first period because he couldn't find his locker. Finn was losing hope that today would be a good one, he somehow found his way to the office and Principal Madden led him to his class.

They walked through the door and up to the teachers desk. "Mr. Finstock, this is your new student." Principal Madden said, gesturing to the teen, Finn coming into view of the whole class, he tried hard not to visibly fiddle nervously.

He probably was as he had a tendency to embarrass himself 24/7. Principal Madden left them to their devices and Coach Finstock took out his clipboard looking for Finn's name. Except this whole monstrosity of an interaction was about to take place.

Finn should've seen it coming, it's a common misconception really. Coach did a double take, and in all his gritty teeth ways said. "Einnley? What the hell is an Einnley? Who names their kid.. I feel sorry for you."

The class erupted into hushed snickering, Finn wanted crawl into a hole and die, he cleared his throat and spoke up, "Uh sir, it's Finnley, but I go by Finn."

"What?" Coach asked.

"My name isn't Einnley, it's Finnley. The administrator must've made a typo." Finn replied, Finstock waved him off and told him to sit next to Dunbar. Obviously, having no idea who Dunbar was, he stood awkwardly.

The other boy raised his hand and he walked over to the empty desk. Liam looked over at him and smiled, he leaned over to whisper a greeting. "Hey, I'm Liam."

Finn smiled back, "Hi, I'm Finn, but you already knew that."

Liam chuckled, "Sorry about Coach, he does that a lot."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐒Where stories live. Discover now