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FINN SOON WAKES UP WITH A wicked headache, wondering where the hell he was, in someone's bathtub? He looked across from him to see Liam, the other teen looked relieved that his friend was okay.

He and Liam were bound by mouth hands, and feet, with duct tape. He tried to remember what happened before he got here. A kid named Sean killed a cop at the hospital.

He threw him and Liam off the roof, now it was coming back to him, after Liam got injured he was knocked out. By Scott, whose eyes were glowing red.

Stiles arrived at Scott's house to help deal with the Liam situation. Scott told Liam wad upstairs 'lying down'.

By which he meant 'bound and gagged in my bathtub'. Except he forgot to mention Liam wasn't the only person he kidnapped.

Stiles took one look at Liam and Finn before closing the shower curtain on them again, leaving both Liam and Finn to make unclear mouth sounds at the boys.

Scott and Stiles sat on the bed and recap the incidents that led to this predicament: Scott bit Liam, kidnapped him and Finn, and brought them to his house.

"As a reminder, this is why I always come up with the plans. Your plans suck." Stiles told his best friend. Scott's aware of that.

Stiles's plan was to set Liam and Finn in chairs to explain everything. Stiles took the tape off Liam and Finn's mouths, warning them that it'll go right back on if they screamed.

Scott stood to the side, Finn was bewildered at the fact that he was kidnapped by the guys who helped him find the library.

His fate in trust chucked out the window, and he hoped he'd get a chance to cause a little bodily harm.

"Okay, Liam, Finn. Now, you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight and more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Do you understand?"

The room is silent, since no one beside Stiles understood what the hell he just said. So Scott took the better choice and explained to the two younger kids what happened.

"Liam, what happened to you... what I did to you, which I had to do in order to save you.. it's going to change you." Scott said in a soft tone.

"Unless it kills you. Shouldn't have said that." Stiles mumbled.

Finn was royally pissed, "So your solution was to kidnap us?!"

Stiles turned to him, "Do you want the tape back on?"

"Do you want to get kicked where the sun doesn't shine? Cause you two are psychopaths!" Finn exclaimed.

Scott was understanding. "Finn, we didn't mean for this to happen."

Finn scoffed. "Right, that's exactly what serial killers say before they murder their victims and dump their bodies."

"I mean, I am the son of the local sheriff." Stiles muttered.

"I don't give a shit if you were the son of the goddamn president. You kidnapped us Stiles!"

Liam started to cry, Finn looked towards his friend, and he turned back to Stiles. Glaring daggers at him, while Scott was reassuring him.

It'd be okay. He's not going to die. Stiles, in response, says it was a possibility. But nothing worked. They sighed, knowing they screwed up, so they untied Liam.

He pretended to look miserable and helpless for about 10 seconds before he got out of the chair and hit Scott with it.

Liam then punched Stiles in the face and quickly helped Finn get untied, and both bolt out of Scott's bedroom.

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