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BEACON HILLS WAS A PLACE Finn wouldn't have thought he'd see himself living in, in retrospect, it's not like a small part of the south as it was in California.

But it had all the classics, a small vet clinic, a public pool, and of course a sheriff station. He'd check everything out later, right now he had to go to school, and school was, well, school.

Or prison as most teens would describe. Finn kind of had a hand on his schedule and everyone was nice. He'd talked with Liam a couple of times, he was cool.

He never was the greatest at making friends, so Eddie became his best friend. Eddie was the type of older brother with the; 'No one's allowed to mess with him except me' kind of attitude.

As Finn entered high school the man toned down his teasing, he knew Finn was sarcastic, hardly ever serious. But had his fair share of moments being awkward and shy.

Spending his days photographing something or reading a book to pass time. Eddie pointed out how similar he was to their father.

Finn stood in the hallway sifting through his locker, trying to find his book, he made a look of aha and mumbled a "gotcha" before taking it out and walking away.

If he had to be honest, he didn't know his way around the school enough to know where the damn library was. He was lost, it was pretty pathetic, but then he saw two other teens.

One was talking eccentrically with his hands while the other one listened intently. They looked a couple years older than him, and probably knew where the library was.

Except, he didn't know them, and didn't want to bother them. The teen stood in the middle of the hallway, not knowing what to do or where to go.

He heard the sound of steps coming towards him and a voice spoke up. "Hey, are you new here?" One of the teens asked, while the brunet just stuck to his side.

Finn answered hesitantly, "Yeah, do you guys know where the library is?"

He offered, "We can take you to it, I'm Scott by the way. This is Stiles."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Finn." Finn watched as Scott and Stiles continued talking, following close behind them, Stiles seemed annoyed.

Apparently Scott hadn't seen any of the Star Wars films. In all of their years of being best friends, he felt so betrayed, of course in dramatic fashion.

Finn's mouth went agape, "You haven't seen Star Wars! Who even are you?!" He asked incredulously.

Stiles threw his hands up and exclaimed, "Thank you! See this kid knows. We've only known him for two minutes and I'm already considering him as my new best friend." Finn laughed.

Stiles seemed like the type for dramatics while Scott was mellowed out, like yin and yang. They reached the library and Finn walked inside,

Not before thanking them and heading to a little corner. Escaping from the chaos that was high school was nice, and while reading, he multitasked doing his assignments on top of that.

He was dying to read this book, it was the cautionary, and tragic tale of Anne Frank in a copy of her diary.

He always liked reading books of real life people, and he was fascinated with her story. He had a fascination with history, knowing every fact about a historical event, it didn't matter which one.

It looked great on test scores and any applications. Continuing reading and hearing a voice greet him, he glanced up and saw Liam.

He smiled at him and said hi back, the other boy joining him on the floor. "What are you reading?" He asked, Finn turned the book over and showed him the cover.

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