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WHILE FINN AND LIAM WENT BACK TO the locker room to hopefully catch the aftermath, Coach was trying to keep the lacrosse team out of the locker room since it was a crime scene.

Coach told everyone to keep an eye out for Garrett. If they saw him, they should call the police and added to tell the teen he's off the lacrosse team.

Liam arrived at the locker room and saw Scott talking to an FBI agent. It turned out to be his dad, Agent McCall feels like garbage for missing Scott's game.

He was supposed to come to them so Melissa could take on extra shifts at the hospital. Scott protested that it was just a scrimmage and he hadn't even told his dad about it.

Besides, it's okay because his dad was here now.

Deputy Parrish walked a handcuffed Violet down the hallway. She saw Parrish's badge and recognized him as the Jordan Parrish on the dead pool.

But Parrish corrected her, putting an emphasis on his deputy title. Violet smirked at Scott as they pass him. Noah showed Agent McCall the thermo-cut bolo necklace and he rushed after Violet.

Finn was sure the whole hall got creepy vibes from the girl. Liam told Scott that Kira went home after finding out her mother was on the second part of the dead pool.

Liam was worried that he'll be on the third part of the dead pool. Scott listened in as his dad stopped Violet to ask her about the thermo-cut bolo necklace.

Apparently something similar had been used in a dozen other murders. Violet feigned innocence, "I don't know what you're talking about. I just go to school here."

"Maybe we should call your parents, then. Oh, no, that's right.. you don't have any parents. That's why they call you the Orphans."

Violet didn't seem too happy about losing her secret identity. Agent McCall told Noah that they need to find her boyfriend, Garrett.

Noah asked Coach for Garrett and Violet's locker numbers and a pair of bolt cutters. Everyone else seemed to have gone home.

Liam and Finn kept a lookout while Scott broke into Garrett's gym locker. He found a bag full of money but told them he found nothing. The three parted ways and headed home.

As Scott arrived back at his place, Melissa was on the phone to someone. She's three months late on her electricity payments and her power has been switched off.

She asked the power company to turn the power back on for a few hours so that all the food in the refrigerator wouldn't spoil since she obviously didn't have enough money to replace it.

She was more than happy to beg. Scott listened to the conversation from upstairs. He brought Garrett's bag of money home and stashed it under his bed.

The next morning, Liam and Mason went out for a run in the woods, and Mason was hung up on the fact that professional killers.

Garrett and Violet, were using their friendship as a cover and not on the fact that they were fifteen years old and killing people, y'know, professionally.

Liam said he was freaking out about it as well. His freak-out manifests when he zoomed off down the trail at extreme speed, leaving Mason in the dust.

With that little burst of energy done, Liam turned around and realized that he left his friend a while back. When suddenly, a car drove up and hit Liam, sending him flying.

Garrett stepped out and walked toward him with a knife. "Sorry about missing movie night. Don't worry; I've got something else planned." And he lunged forward with his knife.

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