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FINN SHOT UP OUT OF BED, HIS eyes completely widened, breathing heavily as sweat dripped down his temple. Another damn nightmare.

The same one he had a week ago, on the plus side, he wasn't screaming this time. He rubbed at his eyelids, knowing he wasn't going to fall back asleep, he decided to go over his portfolio again.

He grabbed the file off his desk, switching the room light on and curling up under his covers. Opening the binder and looking through the photos he chose to show Claire.

Hoping she'd like them and he'd get to be in the club. He took a lot of photos while he and Eddie made the long drive to Beacon Hills.

Looking through the pictures made him think of old memories, memories he wished weren't just that, memories.

The box of everything from his past was still taped up on the floor of his closet, he hadn't dared open it. He knew he couldn't avoid it.

But for now, he'll avoid it like the plague. Eddie would probably lecture him if he knew all the thoughts that were flowing through his mind.

The last thing he needed was Eddie being on his case and being a worry wart. A quick mental note, never say worry wart ever again.

Speaking of his older brother he heard his footsteps in the hallway. Finn didn't have time to hurry and shut off his light.

And as he predicted, Eddie slowly opened the door. Their eyes met, although there was a hint of exhaustion behind Eddie's stare.

The older brother came further into the room, speaking groggily, "What are you doing up this late?"

Maybe I should've risked it and turned my light off. Finn shrugged in response, Eddie didn't buy it as usual.

Finn sighed, "I couldn't sleep, so I'm just looking at my portfolio." He technically didn't lie, if he went back to sleep, he'd most likely awake from a night terror.

Eddie shook his head and came to sit next to him, putting his pictures on his bedside table, beckoning for Finn to scoot over.

Which he did, Eddie knew how to make Finn feel better, the younger teen didn't know how he did it.

Maybe it was an older brother thing. "I get that the move has been hard, and I know being the new kid can be rough. But just know I've got your back."

Finn smiled, "I know. I've got your back too." Eddie returned Finn's smile with one of his own.

He put his hand on Finn's shoulder, "Anyway, get some sleep, you've got school in like six hours."

Finn agreed and watched as Eddie left the room, turning the light off and closing the door. He slid further down in his blanket, hugging it close.

Like he was some scared five year old waiting for the monster hiding under his bed to come out and swallow him whole.

With a shaky breath, Finn closed his eyes, anxiously counting sheep as sleep would soon take hold. It was now seven thirty in the morning.

Finn would only admit he got at least four hours of sleep, or was it three? When Eddie came in and got him up.

He took a spoonful of his cereal and crunched on the sugary grains, nothing like a bowl of future diabetes to fuel his body. While Eddie sipped on his coffee.

The younger boy shifted in his seat, glancing up towards his brother, fighting with himself on how to broach the question without sounding like a nervous wreck.

Eddie felt his brother's eyes watching him, he met Finn's gaze and spoke; "What's on your mind? Because you've been glancing up at me for over five minutes."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐒Where stories live. Discover now