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THE NIGHT WAS JUST GETTING STARTED in Finn's book, he and Liam were hanging out in Scott's house.

Waiting for the older teen to get there, and judging by the way Liam just let Finn inside, he was slightly questioning how he got inside in the first place.

But here they were, sitting at Scott's dining room table, Finn noticed that Liam was still wearing his lacrosse jersey.

He must've not gone home to change, which is fair, Finn himself hadn't had a proper night sleep in three days? Or was it four? That wasn't the point.

Besides, it's not about him right now, it's about whatever's got Liam so antsy that Finn can hear his thoughts spiraling out of control.

"Hey, you okay?" Finn asked, checking in with his friend.

Liam glanced over, "Not really, this whole situation is so freaky."

Finn hummed in agreement, "No kidding, it was only like, a month ago that I had no idea werewolves, werecyotes, and banshees were real."

Liam chuckled, leaning against the dining table. "I'm surprised none of us have lost our sanity yet."

Finn pinched the bridge between his nose, "I might've. I haven't slept in like three or four days. I lost count, insomnia is a pain in the ass."

Liam's expression softened, "Aw that sucks dude." But before they could continue their conversation, Scott came rushing downstairs and to the back door.

Liam paused, reluctant to leave the house and deal with more assassins. Seeing this, Scott stopped rushing and offered to take both Liam and Finn home.

Liam shifted on his feet, "I'm not like you." He replied nervously.

Scott understood his hesitation, "Not yet."

"I don't mean I'm not strong or I'm never going to learn how to be in control. I mean everything else."

"You and your friends try and protect everyone. Have you been doing this the whole time? I mean, how are you all still alive?" Liam questioned.

"Not all of us are." Liam looked on the verge of tears but Scott offered him a smile and again offered to take them home.

This time, the two of them accepted. Finn didn't think it was a good idea for Liam to be alone. So he texted Eddie, asking if he could stay with a friend.

Eddie responded back saying it was all good. Liam's mom was out of town and his stepdad was working a night shift, the two thought it was an okay idea.

Scott dropped the two off at Liam's and they entered the house, Finn cleared his throat, "Are you sure I can sleepover? I don't want to bother your stepdad."

Liam waved him off, "It's fine, I'll just say we were studying too late and fell asleep. I'm glad you're here."

Finn smiled, "I'm glad too, I've never really done a sleepover at anyone's house before."

"Really, why not?" Liam asked.

Finn fiddled with his hands, "Cause no one's ever invited me to one."

"Well, then this one will be the best you've ever had. We need to have a rematch of Super Smash Bros." Liam said, wriggling his eyebrows with a smirk plastered on his face.

Finn chuckled, "Oh you're on!" The two ran upstairs to Liam's room, the other teen hooked up his console to his tv and turned on the game.

They began playing and spent an hour going back and forth, Liam would win a round, and Finn would win another.

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