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IT WAS ALMOST HIS DAD'S birthday, which didn't bring up a lot of good memories. His therapist constantly repeated the sentiment, "It wasn't your fault. You were only ten years old."

Finn knew that in the back of his mind. But somehow never believed it. Thinking back, that's  probably why he was in therapy in the first place, he wanted the outcome to be different.

But unfortunately time travel didn't exist. Yet, supernatural creatures did, guess that's where the universe drew the line.

What was worse was that he kept dreaming of that day, over and over again. He thought he jumped over that hurdle, that was until he started having those dreams.

He remembered it as if it occurred yesterday, it was eight thirty at night, Finn and Eddie waited in anticipation of their dad's arrival.

Excited about their ice cream and movie night. It never came, their dad didn't come home, and two hours had passed.

Simon hadn't returned, sure it wasn't unusual to stay late at work, but he wouldn't do so without calling and checking in on the boys.

Finn was sitting on the couch watching cartoons, there was a knock on the door, Eddie told him to stay put as he got to the door.

Opening it, and being greeted by two men in blue. Finn turned, resting his chin on the back of the sofa, glancing over at the front window.

Flashing red and blue lights, two cops standing in their front doorway. The two boys shared a look, Finn noted the expression etched on Eddie's face. Then he knew, something happened, and it was bad, really bad.

Eddie sent Finn upstairs, while Finn went to his room, he tried to keep himself occupied. "This is the residence of Simon Connor, correct?" One of the officers questioned.

Eddie nodded his head, he had this sick feeling in the pit of his stomach, was his dad hurt? Was he in the hospital? What the hell is happening?

He thought. The officer introduced himself, "I'm Officer Regan, this is Officer Ghallager. Are you related to the victim?"

Eddie's face paled, "I'm his oldest, Eddie. V.. Victim? What happened to my dad? Is he okay?"

The two men glanced at each other, Officer Regan gave Eddie a somber look, "Unfortunately, no, there was an accident. Your father's car was hit on highway twenty, he uh, died at the scene."

Eddie couldn't form words, those two words. "He died." It was as if they were echoing, his ears ringing almost like a gun went off right next to him.

None of what the officer said made sense, their dad was on his way home, he's the most careful driver he knew. How did this happen? "Son, is there anyone we can contact on your behalf?"

That snapped Eddie back into reality, he nodded his head, wiping the tears from his eyes. He told them to call his aunt.

Officer Ghallager went outside to his squad car, and Officer Regan stayed with Eddie. It hit Eddie, what was he going to tell Finn?

How the hell was he going to explain to his ten year old brother that their dad wasn't coming home? How the hell was he going to raise his brother without his father?

He had not one single ounce of parental qualities in him! He wasn't about to trust anyone else other than his aunt to help.

But god, how was he going to do this? Alone... Eddie held his head in his hands, sitting on the wooden stairs.

Officer Ghallager walked back in, and looked to his partner, nodding at him. "Hey kid, your aunt's on the way."

"Do you need help gathering some stuff for you and your brother?" Officer Regan inquired, kneeling to Eddie's eye level.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐒Where stories live. Discover now