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IT WAS AUGUST 19TH 2010, A NICE hot summer day, Finn had just gotten home from his summer camp.

The ten year old boy was beaming racing through his front door and to his father, Simon. He desperately wanted to show him his medal for winning a reading contest.

He found his dad in the kitchen, making sandwiches for the two of them. "Dad! Look what I got!" The boy exclaimed. The man turned, smiling at the sound of his son's voice.

"Hey buddy, what'd you get?" Finn proudly held up his medal grinning goofily, the shining circle had big bold letters reading: 'WONDROUS READER!'

And Finn began telling him everything about his day, constantly rambling about how much fun he had and that he made some new friends.

His dad slid the plate holding his sandwich and Finn ate his food happily. As the two ate their lunch, their side door opened, and appeared sixteen year old Eddie.

"Hey Ed, there's a sandwich for you in the fridge." Eddie made his way to the fridge and grabbed his food. Then sitting at the table next to his little brother.

Finn finished his sandwich and raised his medal, to show Eddie. Eddie looked at it with a puzzled expression, "Where'd you get that bud?" He asked.

Finn with a toothy grin said, "I won the reading contest! Mrs. Britton gave me a medal!"

Eddie gasped, "That's awesome! Good job. Maybe we can celebrate with some ice cream tonight? What do you think, Dad?"

Simon caught the smirk Eddie let slip onto his face, and the hopeful glint in Finn's eyes.

"Alright, we can get some ice cream after I get home from work. I gotta head back now. Don't burn the house down, and lock the door."

Simon said gathering his things, he ruffled Eddie's hair, and kissed the top of Finn's forehead. He headed towards the door.

He looked back at his kids, doing the 'I love you' hand gesture in sign language. Finn did the same, and then Simon was out while Eddie locked the door.

Neither of the boys knew that this would be the day their lives would be forever ruined.

Scott and Stiles finished counting Garrett's money while listening to the mysterious cassette tape. The boys have never had enough money for a wire transfer, they didn't understand a single thing on the tape.

"Why would someone use all this money just to kill us?" Scott questioned, none of it made any damn sense.

"Someone wants you dead, dude. Badly." Stiles said, as Scott started putting the money back in Garrett's bag.

He wanted to go to bed early because they have the PSAT tomorrow. Stiles on the other hand wanted to address the important question.

Should they give Derek and Peter back the five hundred thousand from Garrett? Stiles doesn't think so, since he doesn't like Peter.

Scott told him yes because it was the right thing to do. That money didn't belong to them. Before they could consider that, Scott heard footsteps.

He and Stiles shoved the bag of money under Scott's bed and stand up awkwardly, but it wasn't Melissa who opened the door. It was Malia, soaked from the pouring rain outside.

She told Scott and Stiles that she and Derek found Satomi's pack and they were all poisoned.

The next day at school, Scott, Stiles, Kira, and Malia wait in line to take the PSAT.

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