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FINN DOUBLES OVER AT THE MEME Liam just sent him, laughing till he (almost) cried. It was that hilarious. Even though the other boy is supposed to be resting in the hospital.

He was glad he was doing okay, although he'd ask him when he got to the hospital later. The young teen put his phone away, getting back to jotting down the last little bits of his essay.

He had to finish before Eddie came to pick him up for hospital volunteer work, not that Liam was helping, if anything, Finn's newfound friend was making it worse.

But he digressed, Finn finished up his homework, and gathered his backpack, knowing it'd be sort of a late night. He'd never volunteered at a hospital before, in fact, he despised hospitals.

There were more germs and illnesses in places like a hospital than the outside world. Of course falling down a Google rabbit hole didn't deter his feelings about the whole thing either.

The teen double checked his list, making sure he packed everything he needed. Once he knew he was ready, all that was left to do now was wait for Eddie to come pick him up.

Having nothing else to do for now, Finn went downstairs to watch something on TV. It was only twenty minutes into a Criminal Minds episode when he heard keys against the door knob.

Eddie appeared on the other side, looking slightly disheveled and tired. He fixed his bag on his shoulder, using his foot to open the door a little more. Noticing his little brother sitting on the couch and greeted him.

"Hey, how was school?" He asked, finally filing into the house. Finn jumped up and grabbed his backpack, and picked up his phone from the coffee table.

"It was fine, Mr. Finstock asked if I wanted to join the lacrosse team. But I declined, since I'm a stick and not that athletic. And Liam spammed me with memes earlier while I was finishing my homework."

Eddie laughed, "Your teacher must be desperate, cause he's asking the wrong kid."

Finn rolled his eyes, "Thanks for the vote of confidence, Ed."

Eddie ruffled his hair and he gathered a few things. "Let's go brochacho." The two of them head out the door, into the car, and off to the hospital. Finn was proud of his brother, he sacrificed so much for him to be able to live a good life.

Sometimes feeling guilty because of how much of Eddie's life revolved around taking care of him. He definitely needed a way to repay him and show how grateful he was.

Eddie parked in the lot and walked with Finn into the hospital, stopping at the front desk, Finn glanced at the woman, standing and writing up forums.

Finn noted she looked oddly familiar. She looked up and saw Eddie, she smiled before speaking, "Hey kiddo, welcome back. And this is Finn, I presume?"

"Yep, the one and only. Finn, this is Melissa, she is a total badass and is my head nurse." Eddie introduced.

Finn smiled, "Hi ma'am, nice to meet you."

Melissa waved her hand, "None of the ma'am nonsense. I'm not that old, nice to meet you Finn, your brother talks about you all the time. Nice attempt at grabbing brownie points, Eddie."

"Oh Melissa, I try my best." Finn chuckled at his brother.

"Between you and me kid, your brother can be a pain in the butt sometimes." Melissa said, looking at Finn.

Finn played along, "Tell me about it. I live with him."

Eddie mocked offense, "The absolute disrespect." To which Finn and Melissa laughed.

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