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THEY WERE IN THE ENDGAME now, Stiles frantically got to the station to inform his dad about the newfound revelation. "Dad, Scott and Kira have been kidnapped and taken to Mexico. Okay?"

"I think that's a pretty good reason for a trip to Mexico." Stiles negotiated. And although he's smart, he knows his dad won't go for it.

Noah inhaled, "Okay. Even if Deaton is right about this... The best thing to do is to go through the proper channels."

Stiles didn't like that, wanting to protest but Noah continued, "That means calling the right law enforcement agencies, border patrol, putting out an all-points."

"Dad, I can't just wait around for the wheels of bureaucracy to start spinning in five different government offices. Okay?"

"Someone needs to go down there right now, find them and rescue them. I'm going." The teen replied, they were at a standoff.

Noah looked pointedly, crossing his arms. "I can keep you from going."

Stiles matched his energy, shifting on his feet, "I'd find a way."

"I can throw you in a cell." The brunet could tell his dad was getting annoyed.

If he wasn't also annoyed he'd find it hilarious. "I'd still find a way."

Noah sighed, "Stiles, please. Just give me a little more time to verify something slightly more concrete than a psychic vision by some guy with a third eye!"

Seeing his son's look of disappointment, "Look, I will call every law enforcement agency all the way down to South America if I have to."

"If nothing turns up, then I'll book two flights to Mexico. We'll both go. Okay?" The older man said.

Stiles nodded his head, "Okay, okay, great."

After a beat he asked, "Do I get a gun?"

"No." Noah responded quickly, knowing exactly his accident prone son was. With that Stiles left the station already concocting a plan. But he needed to head to Scott's place.

Once he reached Scott's house, he met with Malia, he figured since she was a werecoyote she could find something with his scent and they could track him down.

They were rifling through his closet, but everything smelled like fabric softener, which meant Melissa recently did laundry. And the only items that weren't washed were boxers.

"Remember, Scott's life is on the line." Stiles reminded her.

Malia grabbed his pillow, shaking off the case, and sniffing it. "Yeah. That works, too." She breezed by him and the two walked downstairs.

Only to find Liam standing in the kitchen, Stiles exclaimed, "Oh! Liam, go home. You're not coming with us."

"Why not?" Liam asked.

"Because it's a full moon. And I don't feel like driving all the way down to Mexico just to have you rip my throat out." Stiles stated.

Liam suggested, "You can lock me up, right? Chain me down to the back seat or something?"

Malia pointed out, "You tore through the last chains, remember?"

"Yeah, we would have to freeze you in carbonate to get you down there." Stiles said.

Liam stared blankly, then asked, "Okay, then where do we get carbonite?"

Stiles was stunned to silence, completely baffled, "Seriously, you haven't seen it either? Alright, Finn's officially my favorite."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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