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THE NEXT DAY WAS A BLUR, FINN felt like he was going through the motions. Attending his classes, the photography club, and helping volunteer at the hospital.

It was starting to burn him out, he soon needed a break, but evil doesn't rest. And his newfound friends needed all the help they could get.

He slung his backpack off his shoulder, not in the mood to start any of his homework right now. Deciding against it, he slugged off his shoes.

Kicking them off to the side, and made his way to the kitchen, scouring in the fridge to find something to eat. Guess he'd have to remind Eddie they needed to go grocery shopping.

He realized he had to cook, with the number one rule being, 'Don't burn the house down.' That was the last thing he needed, his brother to come home and find their house set ablaze.

He pulled out ingredients to make spaghetti, first working on the sauce, and letting it cook. Moving on to boil the noodles. Whilst jamming out to a playlist.

Finn figured he'd be by himself for the rest of the evening, Eddie's shifts seemed to get later and later each night. It wasn't considered a bad thing, because Eddie can handle himself.

That didn't really stop the boy from worrying about him, he wondered if he should tell Eddie the truth. While Finn felt guilty, he didn't want to risk putting him in danger.

Actions have consequences, they also speak louder than words. So he wasn't sure how long he'd be able to keep up the lies. Maybe he could ask his friends what to do.

He finished making a bowl of food and fixing up some for Eddie too, writing on a sticky note, letting him know he can bring leftovers with him on his next shift.

Then he made his way to the couch, he'd get to his homework after he ate, and not to pat himself on the back, his food was great.

Finn ate it all, grabbed his backpack and began working on his assignments. Coach Finnstock would have a strongly worded letter on his desk by Friday.

Whoever thought the concept of the education system was the best idea since sliced bread was the worst person to ever walk the earth. He sighed, finishing the work sheet and moving onto his notes for a project.

He stopped when he noticed his phone ringing, picking it up, he read the caller I.D, it was Eddie. He answered, "Hey Eds, what's up?" He asked.

Eddie greeted, "Hey bubba, just checking in while I'm on a short break. Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Made spaghetti for dinner, did some homework. Now I'm on the phone with you." He replied.

Finn could hear the faint sound of the PA system, "Good. That's good, I'll be home in a couple hours."

"As always, I'll be here. See you when you get home." The two said their goodbyes and Finn hung up the phone.

Time passing as slow as a snail, Finn soon completed all of his schoolwork for the night. He turned off the tv, uninterested in whatever was on.

He might as well start his bedtime routine. There wasn't much to do now, maybe he could begin reading that new sci-fi novel Stiles recommended when he was done and in bed.

Once he changed into his pj's, brushed his teeth, he climbed into his bed, pulling out his book. He turned to the first chapter. Letting his mind drift into the fantasy world.

It was way better than the real one anyway, after a few pages his eyes started fluttering shut. So he paused on reading.

Setting his book on his bedside table. Slipping underneath the covers and falling asleep.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐒Where stories live. Discover now