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SCHOOL WAS CANCELED FOR A few days. Finn thought it should've been more, but hey, he didn't make the rules.

If he did, it'd be purposeful chaos, and he'd enjoy it much more than he'd let the adults think. So now that it was incredibly late, being ten o'clock.

Finn was stuck at home, bored out of his mind. That was until he got a phone call. Of course on the other end was Liam.

"Hey Liam, what's up?" He answered, as he paced around the room.

"Hey Finn, are you doing anything by any chance?" The other teen asked.

"No, I'm not busy. Why?" And so here he was, at the McCall household helping Scott, Stiles, Kira, and Liam in the kitchen with three MacBooks.

He had no idea what the plan was, he was flying the plane in a blinding fog. But he could also say that about the others, "Is three enough?" Kira asked.

"It depends on how many cameras they have but I think so." Stiles replied. Their plan is set for tonight. Liam was worried that their plan was kind of dangerous.

Stiles assures him that it is incredibly dangerous and borderline idiotic but they've done dangerous and idiotic things before.

At least that's what they told the younger teens, Scott then told Liam that he nor Finn don't have to be a part of this.

The two protest saying they weren't scared. Whatever their plan was, it was based on the visual confirmation rule set down by the Benefactor.

What happens if you kill someone on the deadpool but you can't send the proof?

The killer doesn't get paid but the Benefactor still needs to know if the target is really dead, especially if it's someone high on the list.

So if the Benefactor wants visual confirmation, he's going to have to come get it himself. In Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, where someone is being wheeled in from an ambulance.

Liam's stepfather runs to meet the stretcher and takes charge, telling them to get the patient to a trauma room.

It was utter madness as people rush around, they try chest compressions and a few shocks with the defibrillator but the patient still has no pulse.

"I'm calling it. Time of death 2102 hours. Can someone please page Melissa McCall?" All throughout the hospital people could hear the gut-wrenching scream of anguish.

Which were coming from Melissa. Doctor Geyer had delivered the news about Scott's death and she is falling apart. But that was phase one of the plan.

Hours earlier, Scott was laying on his bed, shirt partially unbuttoned. Kira and Mrs. Yukimura stood on either side of the bed.

Finn watched Liam pace the room, nervous as hell, which Finn had to admit was stirring up his own anxiety.

"You've done this before, right?" Liam asked, biting his lower lip.

"I've seen it done." Mrs. Yukimura stated.

Liam tilted his head, "Is that just as good?"

"No." The older woman replied, that didn't sound the least bit good.

Kira let out a groan, "Mom, you're not inspiring confidence."

"Good. This is a terrible idea." Mrs. Yukimura replied. Finn had to agree, he glanced at Liam, guess they were thinking the same thing.

Kira crossed her arms, "Do you want us to do it without you?" Knowing full well they'd do it anyway, Mrs. Yukimura told Kira to put her hand over Scott's heart.

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