[LiL] Memories hurt (BoatDuo, mostly Joel)🥀

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This is reposted btw

Joel jumped down the mansion. Almost the whole server was after him.

Joel stopped his fall by using water. His eyes widened as he heard someone behind him.


"Thank you-! You saved me! You saved me, Joel!" Etho said behind Joel. Joel turned around.

It was too late. Etho had his sword above his head.

"So, now I can kill you!" Etho swung his word.

Joel had opened his mouth to scream. A scream didn't come out.

Joel woke up in his drenched bed that was at the top of the mansion in the water.

He got reminded of DoubleLife. He wanted to curl up in a ball. He pushed away those feelings and got back into the fight. He would breakdown later.

He kept a grin on his face.

"Etho's green now, get Etho!" Joel shouted out. Saying his name hurt him a little.


The 'Yellow Mellow' truce phase started.

Joel was approached by Jimmy. "Hey Joel, are you feeling okay? You seem not as energetic," Jimmy asked.

Joel hesitated, "Am fine, Jimmy," Joel shook his head. Jimmy did not seem to be pleased with that answer.

"But you-"

"Am fine!" Joel shouted walked off.

He ran off to an area where no one goes, dug a quick hole in it and covered up it. He placed one torch to light the room.

He fell to ground and curled up. When did it affect him so much?

He just shrugged it off when they had their interaction.

"I can't believe you replaced me with a cow, Etho!"
"It keeps me company at least!"

"Oh so your gonna make a boat with a new friend, ay Joel? I thought we were the boat boys."

Joel smacked his head twice. "Oh my- god- why- why- why- whyAhAy-" his voice cracked as he sobbed. Tears quickly streamed down his face. "Why cA-an't I ju-ust- for-forget this?!"
His voice cracked again. He sniffled.

"Don't cry- don't cry- d-don't-" he rubbed his eyes, making them red.

Joel thought of their interaction at the start. "G-Gives you company at le-least?!" He choked. "Was- was I not a good soulmate?!"

Joel questioned himself more. He stopped when he heard footsteps near by. Joel tried to keep quiet but it was hard as he so hiccuping and sniffling.

The footsteps stopped, but a voice was heard. "Hello?" A voice said. Grian. "Uh, he- hello?"

Joel didn't say anything, still struggling to keep quiet. He hear footsteps once more.

Joel sighed, thinking Grian had gone away. But panicked when he saw the dirt wall in front of him being mined.

"Shoot, shoot, sho-Ot-" Joel muttered as he tried his best to mine away with his bare hands. He paused when he can hear more sound of air.


Joel turned around to look at the parrot. "..Grian.."

"I- pleased don't- tell Jim, I don't want to tell with him angry screaming at me," Joel requested while fixing his messy hair. Before Grian could ask anything, Joel answered.

"He- He asked if I wa-was okay a while back. How did- how did you even find- find me?" Joel stuttered, his voice still very cracked from crying.

"I- Tim told me about that, he told me you definitely were not alright so I went to find you and— seems like I did..." Grian paused. "You're... you're in bad shape, buddy." He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry, not good at handling stuff like this, you should definitely talk to Tim about this. What are you crying about anyways-? You- don't seem the type to- cry.."

"Uh.." Joel turned his whole body to face Grian. He mumbled, "..About Etho and DoubleLife.."

"I couldn't hear that but I'm gonna go get Tim," Grian started walking off. "And don't say 'don't tell Jimmy', you need help to deal with your feelings and I'm not the right person for it."

Grian walked off.

Joel groaned and fell to the floor again. He buried his head in his arms.

A few moments later, he heard more footsteps.

"Hey, Joel.." he heard someone say. Jimmy. "You- you good? You don't seem good."

"Hey, Jim," Joel replied and made eye contact with Jimmy. "Am not doing good..."

"Definitely not... your eyes are red, hair is pretty messy, face stained with tears," Jimmy pointed out.

That made Joel feel worse. Jimmy saw that and apologized straight away.


747 words

Am I gonna make a part 2? Most likely

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