Chapter 4

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"To drop the kids off at Martin's." Dan answered, never looking back at Phil. "Oh, okay." Phil said as he walked towards Phil. "And to get away from a cheater I live with." Dan quickly said as he closed the bedroom door. Phil widened his eyes and more tears ran down his face. "W- Dan!" Phil ran after Dan. But as he got to the living room, Dan had already closed the door. Phil has never cried so much before. He sat on the couch, crying for hours.
It was already 1:03 AM, and Dan hasn't come home yet. Phil is worried. He tries to call Dan, but Dan wouldn't answer. He'd already called 5 times, but the only voice he got was the voice mail. "D-Danny. My poor little Danny. I'm sorry. You were right. I should've never kissed Sam. I'm truly sorry. I want my bear back." Phil whispered to himself. He decided to attempt calling Dan 1 last time. He actually answered. Nobody had said a 'hello' yet. All you heard was gulping, sniffing and quiet sobbing. "D-Dan?" Phil blurted out. "Y-Yes?" Dan replied. "I'm sorry. I should've never kissed Sam. I want you back to cuddle with. To kiss. To smile with. I miss you. You were right. You can say 'I told you so' now." Phil sniffed.
"No. I'm sorry. You were right. You were drunk and when you're drunk, you can't control your actions. I miss you, Philly." Dan gulped. "I miss you too. I miss your kisses. I miss the way you stroke my hair when we cuddle. I miss kissing you. I miss my Daniel." Phil wiped a single tear off of his face. "I miss that, too. I want to be with you, Phil." Dan cleared his throat. "I thought you hated me." Phil said. "No! I would never hate you! I would love you. Not hate you." Dan smiled a little, but Phil couldn't see. "Well I love you too, Daniel." Phil smiled a little as well, but Dan couldn't see. "Where are you anyway?" Phil asked. "Under a tree." Dan replied. "WHAT?! Why?!" Phil asked, worried. "I dropped the kids off, then I thought I could walk home because it was a beautiful day, then it started raining and I was really far from Martin's place. So, I had to get some shelter. And people just walked by me like I'm not even there." Dan explained. "Is it still raining?" Phil asked. "Yes." Dan answered. "I'm coming to get you." Phil said as Dan said, "M'kay."
Phil got into his car and drove to Martin's place. He wasn't going there, he went there to drive around there to try to see if Dan was around there.
He finally found Dan 4 blocks away from Martin's house. "Dan!" Phil called Dan as he parked. "Phil!" Dan yelled back as he got up from the cold, wet ground. Phil got out of his car and went around the car to get to Dan, who was on the other side. Phil went in for a hug, but Dan went in for a kiss. They kissed for about 4 seconds, then let go for air. "Dan, I missed you. I'm sorry." Phil whispered into Dan's ear as he lay his head on Dan's shoulder. "No, I'm sorry. I was being a bitch. You were drunk. I'm sorry. Will you let me inside the house?" Dan never let go of Phil. "Of course!" Phil exclaimed.
"But we have to get the kids." Dan said, letting go of Phil. "No. Let's leave them to sleep over at Martin's. You and me are gonna have fun tonight." Phil whispered into Dan's ear as he held Dan's hand. "O-Okay." Dan agreed with a smirk.

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