Dil's POV
"Dil, Dilly, Diiilllyyy.." Someone is shaking me. "Dilly bear?" It was Daddy who was shaking me. I jumped up and crawled backwards on my bed so I was holding onto the headboard of my bed. Daddy looked like he was about to cry. Why?
"Dil, it's time to get up for school." Daddy held my arm gently. I was wearing my Lion onesie Papa gave me for Christmas. The Dinosaur onesie is dirty. "S-S-S-Scho-School?" I asked. I can't help but stutter. Its unstoppable. Yes, I have a big vocabulary. I learned it from the people at the adoption center. Daddy and Papa don't realize for some reason.
"Yes, kindergarten. You have to learn!" Daddy said. I nodded and Daddy carried me into the kitchen as I sucked my thumb. "Well good morning, cutie! And hi Dan." Papa joked. He was sitting on the couch watching TV. Daddy laughed and he has some sort of hole in his cheeks. Maybe they are bullets that have grenades in them and are going to explode in a couple of minutes! I must save daddy! I pinched Daddy's cheeks as I tried to get the grenade-filled bullets out of his cheeks. "Ow! Ow! Dil!" Daddy yelled. Daddy made me stop. "What's gotten into you?" Daddy seemed mad. Mad because I was trying to save him? "I-I-I-I w-was t-t-trying t-t-to s-s-sav-save y-you." I took my thumb out of my mouth. "From what?" Daddy asked, looking at Papa. I pointed at Daddy's holes. He chuckled a little for some reason. "That is called a dimple. You and Andrea have dimples, too." Daddy said. "D-D-D-Diples?" I asked. "No, d-i-m-p-l-e-s." Daddy walked to Papa and sat me on Papa's lap. "I don't have dimples, though." Papa looked at me. I put my thumb in my mouth again. "Y-Y-Y-Yo-You a-are a-a-an A-A-Ali-Alien." I told Papa, joking and hoping he or Daddy would laugh. Daddy and Papa laughed!
"Good morning, class!" The teacher, Mrs. Clark exclaimed happily. "Good morning, Mrs. Clark." The class said tiredly. One classmate banged his head on his desk. That's weird. "Today we have a new student! Say hello to Dil!" Mrs. Clark motioned me to come inside the classroom and show myself. I shook my head no. "There's nothing to be scared of, honey!" Mrs. Clark put her hand on my back and we walked into the classroom. I could feel the anxiety coming. I was shaking as the stares of everyone's eyes lay on me. "This is Dil and he is our new student. Say hello, Dil." Mrs. Clark turned to me. "H-H-H-H-Hi." I waved slightly. "You can sit wherever there is an empty seat." Mrs. Clark smiled. I nodded and began walking to a seat in the back behind a good looking boy. I then tripped on his book bag and fell face first onto the floor. The class was trying to hold in their laughter, but failed and laughed very hard. "Silence! This is not funny!" Mrs. Clark hushed. The class became silent. I sat in my seat and put my head down. I'm such an embarrassment.
I thought to myself.
Still Dil's POV
Daddy and Papa are coming to pick me up. So many tears are dripping down my face as I stand in front of my school waiting for Daddy and Papa.
They're here. I try to hide my arms, leg and face. They both got out of the car. "Dil! Hi, love! How was s-" Daddy stood in shock as he saw my arms. So did Papa. "Dil, what happened?" Papa asked as he held my arms and stroked the bruises and cuts. I looked down the whole time, until Daddy lifted my head up with his finger. He gasped. "Dil! Baby what happened to your face?!" Daddy and Papa were now crying and hugged me tightly. Daddy spotted my leg. He put a hand up to his face and then with his free hand, held my hand and Papa's as we walked to their car and Daddy strapped me in my car seat. It was silent for a few minutes until Papa asked, "Dil, baby, you know we care about you so much and don't want anything happening to you, right?"
"Good. So, can you please tell Daddy and I what happened to you that caused you to get hurt?"
"C-C-C-C-C-Ca-Can I w-w-w-wri-write i-it d-d-d-d-dow-down w-when w-w-w-we g-g-get h-h-h-h-h-hom-home?"
"Sure, love." Papa replied.

The Howlter Family Life [[DISCONTINUED]]
RandomDan and Phil adopt children. They get 2 children. 1 girl 1 boy. They're twins. The boy's name is Dil and the girl's is Andrea. This is the story of their lives as the Howlters.