Chapter 13

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Dan's POV
My head hurts. Really badly. Its pounding. Phil comes into the room with Dil. "D-D-D-D-Daddy, a-a-ar-are y-y-y-y-you o-o-oka-okay? I-I-I-I'm s-s-so s-s-so-sor-sorry." Dil scratched his head. "Y-yes, I'm okay, cutie. Don't worry." I rubbed my head a little. "A-A-Ar-are y-y-yo-you s-s-s-sure?" Dil asked. "Yes, I'm sure. Trust me." I answered. "O-O-Ok-Okay. Love you." Dil walked out. I froze, but tried not to make it obvious since last time when I froze and was surprised that Dil laughed, he started crying and having a tantrum, and if that happens again, there is a HUGE problem.
After Dil walked out, I signaled Phil to come onto the bed with me. "Did you hear that?" I asked. "Hear what? All I hear are the neighbors in the building next to ours having sex." Phil said. "Oh shit. They can't know about that yet!" I jumped out of the bed and left Phil for a second. I ran to the living room and got both of the children onto the couch. "Daddy? What are those noises?" Andrea asked. "What noises?" I acted like I don't hear the noises. They moan so loud!
I put on Spongebon for both of them and 20 seconds into the show, they both get mezmorised by it, as if it is a Brainwashing show. I walk back to the room, leaving Dil and Andrea in the Living Room. "What did you do?" Phil asked. "Saved ours and the kids butts." I answered. I cuddled back into the bed with Phil and told him about what happened. "Really? He didn't stutter! That's amazing!" Phil widened his eyes excitedly and grinned widely.
A/N: hey guys so um I'm gonna do le time skipz because I'm too lazy to write Dils birthdays building up...sorry. Btw in this time skip Dil is now 14. (Also sorry I forgot to add this in but it's hard to find a place to fit things in when you remember something you wanted to put in that place. Do you guys know what I mean? I don't know. But anyway Dan, Andrea, Dil and Phil all went to Disney Land and Dil threw up on the plane and Andrea fell asleep the whole time and Dan and Phil were laying on each other and Dil was squeezing and holding on to Dan's arm. Also dont worry dan and Phil had 'the birds and the bees' talk with Dil and im telling you this stuff just for backround information. OK now STORY GO!

le Time Skipz.

3rd Person
Dil never knew that he didn't stutter that day, until now. "Hey, remember that time when Dilly didn't stutter at the words 'I love you'?" Dan asked. "Oh, yeah! That was an amazing time. I think it's because he loves us that he didn't stutter at that part. Or maybe he's just learning on his own. I dunno. But still." Phil exclaimed.
Little did Dan and Phil know that Dil was only right outside the door, listening to every single word. Dil slowly opened the door, letting his head in a little, tears dripping down his cheeks and onto his clothes. Dan and Phil were looking at each other and talking about American Horror Story as they snuggled, all happy and giggly, until Dan looked away from Phil's eyes and to Dil's. He widened his eyes. "What?" Phil asked as he turned to look where Dan was looking. "Oh no," Phil said in a deep voice as he widened his eyes as well when he saw what Dan was looking at.
"Dil, um, we were talking about our dreams that we had last n-night!" Dan lied. He hated lying to his family, but he had to. "I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I didn't stutter?" Dil asked, not realizing that he did it again.
"Uh, uh, uh, umm...well....D...." Dan couldn't figure out what to say. Lie to him and tell him that he didn't stutter? Or tell the truth and let him cry again. Dan had to tell the truth. But he couldn't bare to see his Dilly cry and have a tantrum all over again. He hasn't had a tantrum in a few years! Dan sighed. "Dil, what we are trying to say is, you didn't stutter at the words 'I love you'. You didn't even realize that you didn't stutter." Phil explained, squeezing Dan's hand.
Dil felt tears well up in his eyes. He let one fly drip out, but that was it. He quickly wiped it away, inhaled, exhaled, and said, "I didn't stutter at 'I love you' because I really do love you guys. So much. You looked at me w-when I was at the adoption center and l-lo-loved me right away. T-thanks."
"Dil?" Dan asked. "Yes?" Dil asked. Dan ran up to Dil and hugged his tightly, crying into his shoulder. "You didn't stutter at all." Dan said in between sobs. "Dan, Dan, it's ok. You don't need to w-worry. I learned from you guys not to stutter. I learned from you guys not to be afraid. You guys taught me everything. Thank you, Dan and Phil." Dil patted Dan on the back as Phil was crying as he watched all of this and went to Dil for a hug, and to cry into his shoulder as well.
Phil actually tackled Dil, so they all fell together on Dan and Phil's bed. They all lay together like that for a couple of minutes.

(Andrea is now 13. Again, its backround information.)

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