Chapter 12

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Dan's POV
We got home and I got paper and a pencil for Dil to write.
He began writing:

Today was great at school, and Mrs. Clark said I did very well on the math test today. Today we learned about Addition. And this is how I got hurt: It was after school and I was waiting for Daddy and Papa to pick me up from school. I was waiting and these children walked up to me and said I'm a know-it-all and that if I didn't give them the answers for the next test, that they would beat me up. I told them that it wasn't right to cheat like that nor to threaten someone and then they dragged me to the back of the school and beat me up. Then, when they we're finished, they dragged me back to where I was waiting for Daddy and Papa and left.'
I was horrified at what I read. Our 5 year old baby has just gotten beat up. A 5 YEAR OLD. I couldn't take it anymore, so I just ran to mine and Phil's bedroom again. I sat in the corner again. I cried more.
"Dan?" Phil quietly said as he opened the door. He walked over to me again. "Dan, love, I know it's hard that Dil is having these problems, but, we can fix it. We can. Together. We j-just need to work together and believe and hope and all these problems with fly into a trashcan." Phil comforted me as he put his arm around me and lay his other arm on my Knee. He kissed my cheek. "I love you." I said, looking up at Phil with my eyes still red and a waterfall of tears running down my cheeks. "Where's Dilly?" I asked Phil, laying on his shoulder. "In the kitchen coloring." Phil answered. I nodded and Phil and I got up and went onto our bed. We snuggled. I always feel like there are no problems whenever I'm with Phil. I always feel safe and fluffy. I feel happy. I feel loved.
We woke up at 2:24. "It's almost time to pick up Andrea." Phil whispered. I groaned. "Fine, I'll have to do what you did to me." Phil grabbed me by the legs and literally dragged me out of bed and into the bathroom. We were both dying of laughter as Phil dragged me. "You're light." Phil laughed. I giggled.
* Dan's POV
"Andrea!" I yelled happily as I opened my arms out to hug her. I was crouching because she is really short. Phil stayed home with Dil. Our poor Dilly. "Daddy!" Andrea yelled back, running to me with her arms out. I love our family's hugs so much. I kissed her on the cheek. She went to grab my hand to walk home together, but I stopped her. "Hey, hey, hey, I don't get a kiss?" I raised an eyebrow. She giggled and walked backwards to me so we could be face to face. She kissed my dimple and then I stopped crouching, held her hand and walked home with her. This is a great moment, but why is there also so much drama and so many problems?!
"Daddy?" Andrea asked. I looked at her to show her I was listening. "Today we had a math test, oh yeah, and Dil is in my class, and I aced it!" Andrea jumped up as she said 'aced it!'. Cutie. "Wow, really? So did Dil! You guys are so smart." I smiled.
Phil's POV
"No! Dilly! Shhh! Its okay! I'm not a monster! I won't hurt you! Dil!" I yell as I try to catch Dil. He heard someone outside yelling. He started squealing and crying again. I then checked the time. It was 3:41. 'Will need someone to hug 5 hours from that time. From that time....from the time he got bullied!' I thought. I slowly walked to him, not too slowly because I don't want to waste time. "Dil, come here please." I begged. He wouldn't come close to me.
"Phil! I'm home!" Dan yelled as he entered the house. "Dan!" I ran to him. "Andrea!" I ran to Dan and Andrea and kissed them both on their foreheads. "Phil, why are you so sweaty and why do you look tired and where's Dil?" Dan asked, looking worried. "Uhm...some guy outside yelled really loudly from road rage and Dil started crying and ran around a lot and ran away from me and that was heartbreaking and I've been trying to catch him for 18 minutes. He wouldn't get close to me and remember the doctor said to hug him 5 hours after he got bullied? Well time's running and I need to hug him. Either one of us need to." I explained. Andrea was paying attention, too. They understood and helped me. Dan hit the back of his head on the counter because Dil went under the counter and Dan went to give him a hug, but Dil pushed him back a little and he hit the back of his head. I, on the other hand, am still trying to hug him. Its 3:53. I need to hug him before 4:00 or else BAD things will happen. A curse won't be put on our family or anything; Dil will just get harder to calm down.
I FINALLY got him at 3:57. Thank the Heavens. He squealed at first, but then calmed down, sighed and hugged me back.
Andrea's POV
Math is fun! I aced my test today, and it's fun. Its just sooo fun!

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