Chapter 22

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Dil, Dan and Phil are all cuddling on the couch watching American Horror Story. "Hey, guys, what are we doing today?" Dil asks. "I dunno," Dan replies, looking at Phil. "I dunno either," He says. "So, we're just gonna stay on the couch and watch American H-Horror Story on TV?" Dil asks. "Phil? Are we?" Dan asks. "Umm, no. We need to exercise everyday! Its healthy!" Phil says. "Wow, you really are the mom of the family," Dil laughs. Everyone laughs, including Dil. "Hey! Lets go to Tokyo Toys!" Phil suggests. "Sure! But first, we need to make a video for mine and Phil's channels," Dan gets up, holding Phil's hand and they walk to their room. Dil is bored, so he walks over to their room and presses his ear onto Dan and Phil's door, which has pictures of them and of family on the outside and inside. "Alright, Phil let's start this. What should we do for the video?" Dan asks. "Uh, the husband tag?" Phil suggests while wiggling his eyebrows. Dan chuckles, "Okay, love."
Dil is still listening. "Hello Int-ternet! No,"
"Hi- no thats not what I say."
"Phil, what was that? Haha!"
"Haha, Dan, your face!"
After all of that, Dil starts hearing smootchy noises. Dil silently gags, covering his mouth so that the vomit doesn't come out. Dil comes back 2 minutes later, back to listen to Dan and Phil for their video. "Alright. Hello, Internet! Sorry we haven't made videos in literal ages, but Phil and I are back! So, today, we are going to do the Husband Tag!"
"You ready Philly?" Dan asks.
"Yes!" Phil answers.
"What is my full name?"
"Daniel James Howell."
"June 11, 1991."
"Favorite color? Or colors?"
"Black, white and gold."
"Sibling? Or siblings?"
"Adrian Howell."
"Love life?"
"Dan Howell."
"Husband's full name?"
"Phillip Micheal Howell."
"What's wrong, Dan?"
Phil's POV
"Whats wrong, Dan?" I ask. Dan doesn't speak, he just shows me the question on his phone. "Oh," I answer. Dan jumps on me with a hug and sobs into my shoulder. I start crying, too.
Dil's POV
I know what Dan was about to ask. About children. Then, that reminded him of Andrea. I start to cry, too, and a loud, deep sob comes out. "Dil?" Dan asks as he opens the door. I didn't even realized he opened it. Dan put his arm around me and I flinched, but then relaxed at his warm touch.

TBH idk how to continue this. Sorry, this brain doesn't function.

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