Chapter 21

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I wake up and go to the living room. Dan and Phil are cuddling on the couch, watching TV and kissing each other's noses. Gross. "Well, good morning, Dilly." Dan said. "Hi." I said. I saw Phil pout. "Hi? No good morning?" Phil asked. "Nah." I answered. Dan and Phil looked at each other, and then at me. "Dil, is there something wrong?" Dan asked. I shook my head 'no'. "Diiill," Dan gave me the 'Iknowyou'rehiding something' look. Dammit, he knows me so well. "Fine!" I exclaimed as I threw my spoon out of my hand. "Okay, so, I have a thought that is telling me that Brett is cheating on me." I said. Dan and Phil raised their eye brows. "Oh, Dil, he loves you! He wouldn't cheat on you." Phil said. I rolled my eyes. They don't understand. "The thought keeps saying that over and over? Or what?" Okay, seriously. How does Dan know me so well?! "Yes." I answer. Dan understands. Phil still doesn't and Dan tells me to eat my cereal on the couch and that he will explain what I am feeling and thinking to Phil.
A few minutes later, I start hearing moaning. Okay first of all, are they seriously having sex at 10 AM? Second of all, did Dan even explain anything to Phil? I walk by Dan and Phil's room so I can go back to my room and call Brett. As I pass, I freeze. " YEAH JUST LIKE THAT OH FUCK YEAH.....KEEP GOING.....OH MY GOODNESS PHIL YOU'RE A MASTER OH DADDY HARDER HARDER FASTER PHIL YOU CAN DO THIS...FUCK PHIL....PHIL!! PHIL!!! PHIL!! I'M ABOUT T-AHH....OH...My...goodness. You're a master." I hear Dan shout.
I hear Dan's footsteps but I don't know where he's going. Just in case he opens the door, I run to my room. I press my ear against my door to hear Dan and Phil talking. " you understand now?" Dan asks. "Yes. DEFINITELY." Phil answers. "I love you." Dan kisses Phil. "I love you too, bear." Phil kisses Dan back. Gross. I walk out, hoping that Dan and Phil aren't naked. They're not. "You guys are way too loud." I laugh. They both blush. "Well so-rry that you don't like love sounds." Dan joked. Phil and I laugh.
Brett. I remember. I go to my room and call Brett. He answers on the 2nd ring. "Hello?" I ask.
"Oh, Dil! Hehe, umm....hi! Uh, what do you want? It has to be quick...uhmmm...yeah." Brett says quickly.
"Umm...I wanted to ask you something."
Brett just moans loudly and I hear another voice yell, "HARDER!"
I feel tears strike down my face. I quickly wipe them away and hang up. Brett doesn't even call back.
See? He's cheating on you.
No, maybe Dan and Phil are doing it again.
Are you serious?
You know what? To prove I'm right, just skidattle over to Bretty's house and see the proof for yourself.
Okay! Okay!

I run out of the house without a word and run to Brett's house. I remember he gave me a key to his house for whenever. As soon as I get in, I hear loud, loud moaning. "Prick." I whisper to myself as I run up the stairs up to his room. The door is unlocked. I walk in on Brett on top of another man, who had blonde hair and a quiff. "DIL! UH, HI! UMM...GET OUT!" Brett yells. "Brett, I loved you. You were my only friend, and then boyfriend, but now....just....just leave me alone." I said angrily and I walked out of his room and his house quickly as tears fell down my face. I didn't even bother wiping them away. I ran into the flat and shut the door as hard as I could. Dan and Phil came out of their room and their hair was messy, either they just had sex, or I awoke them from their nap. I ran to my bed and cried into my Dinosaur Pillow. They came storming into my room and asked my what's wrong a dozen times. "Br-Brett. Ch-cheheated. On. M-Me." I said in between sobs. I turned around to face them and they had apologetic faces. "Dil, its okay. Maybe he just wasn't the right guy for you. Just forget about him. This is just like my break-up with a guy named Joey. He was a YouTuber, and still is, but he cheated on me and we broke up. I still don't like him to this day." Dan said. "Dil?" Dan asked as he waved his hand in my face. "Hmm? Oh, sorry, I dozed off when you said 'This is just like my break-up'." I told Dan. He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Well, uh, wanna tell us the story?" Dan asked with anger in his voice now. How does he go from Happy and Giggly Dan to Angry Dan so quickly? "Umm..sure," I started, "So, as'explained' to you before...I had these thoughts that told me Brett was cheating on me. Then, I went to see for myself. I then, saw for myself, that Brett Joni was ch-cheating on me. He m-man....and he t-told me to g-get out."
I felt tears welling up in my eyes again. Phil let me cry into his chest and Dan was sitting on my bed with a mad face. "Dil," He asks. "Y-Yeah?" I reply. "Where does Brett live?" Dan asked. "Why?" I ask. "Lemme just 'tell' him not to hurt our son. Its a small talk." He answered. "Dan," Phil whimpers. Dan looked at Phil with angry eyes. Phil widened his eyes.
Phil's POV
A/N: FINALLY someone else's POV
"Dan," I whimper. He looks at me with those angry eyes. I widen my eyes. "D-Don't get aggressive," I say. "The bitch hurt our son, we hurt him." Dan says. I have the urge to say 'Potty Mouth, Dan!' But I think that'll make things worse. "Dan, you don't gotta be violent, though." Dil says. Dan looks at him angrily. "Okay, um...never mind..hehe," Dil clears his throat. Dan gets up without a word, and walks to the living room. "Oh dear...Dil, help me with your father," I say. Dil nods and we both run after Dan. Luckily, he wasn't out the door yet. He was walking to the door. Dil and I run to Dan and grab onto his arms. "Dan! You're not hurting Brett! Even if he hurt me!" Dil yells as he tries to pull Dan back to his and my room. Dan grunted as he tried to pull away to get out the door. "Dan!" I yell as I pull him back a little, but then fall back on my bottom.
Dan's POV
"Dan! You're not going to hurt Brett! Even though he hurt me, you both taught me that violence isn't the answer! And, that normalness leads to sadness!" Dil yells. I stop trying to pull away and I look at Dil. "Phil and I actually taught you something? Round of applause please! We usually can't teach anyone anything!" I say. I hug Dil and so does Dan. I kiss the top of Dil's head and then Phil's forehead. "I love you, Daddy and Papa." Dil says. I grin so widely that I look like the joker. He hasn't called us that in ages. Daddy and Papa. I remember those days. "I love you both more than anything," I say.

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