Chapter 16

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Le time Skipz To Phillip's birthday

I wake up to the smell of.....Cake Batter? I am extremely tired, so I check my phone to see what time it is. Its 3:47 AM. I turn around and Dan isn't here! I gasp. What? Is there a burgalar? Wait, no. What kind of burgalar would have or smell of Cake Batter?
Its either Daniel or Dil. I walk out out mine and Dan's room. I walk into the kitchen and see Dan....covered in flour? He spilled flour on himself. Typical Daniel. "Dan?" I ask. He turns around, his eyes wide and he clenches his fists. He covers his eyes, and then starts jumping around while Fanning his eyes. I run to him, guiding him to the sink, as he is practically blind, and put water on his eyes.
"What are you doing at almost 4 AM?" I ask.
Dans POV
"" I really want to say the truth, but, again, I absolutely HATE lying to family, especially Phil. "J-Just g-go back to b-bed. Goodnight." I kissed his cheek. He walked to the bedroom, and he jumped onto the bed sleepily. 4 seconds later, I could hear him snoring. I'll clean the flour mess later.
(RANDOM: Dan and Phil gave Dil 'The Birds and The Bees Talk)
"Goodm- Dan?!" Phil runs over to me and shakes me. I immediately wake up and look around me. "Shit shit shit." I mumble to myself as I get up. I'm on the kitchen floor! As I get up, my ring falls off of my finger. I quickly get it and put it back on. I'm still covered in flour, but there's no flour mess on the floor, besides where I'm sitting, and the spot where I was laying my back on the fridge. I look in the fridge; the cake is in the fridge. "What're you looking at?" Phil asked. I quickly closed the fridge door. "N...Uh...nothing!" I smiled nervously. "O-Okay?" Phil said as he walked over to the bathroom.
I fixed everything while he was showering. I got Dil up and clean, I made the Pancakes, I got Phil's favorite show on the T.V., I got Phil's place on the couch comfortable, and I got Phil's first present of the day.
Dil's POV
I check the time and it was 4:00. I've been watching T.V. with Dan and Phil, (Yes I now call them Dan and Phil because I'm fucking 17 years old! I can't call them Daddy and Papa anymore! Also, they've taught me to be strong, so I don't stutter at every w-word anymore! I stutter at a couple of words, but they said that's normal.) while they were making out, so I decided to go out. "Dan, Phil?" I asked. They didn't stop. I walked over to them, and they didn't see me because their eyes were closed, and shook them. They pulled away, panting like dogs. "Dan, Phil?" I asked, now getting their attention. "Y-Yeah?" Dan blushed. So did Phil. "I'm going out." I replied. "To where?" Phil asked, fixing his hair, since Dan had been tugging at it. "The park!" I yelled as I closed the door, not letting Dan or Phil say anything because I know they won't let me go, since it was Phil's birthday. But, hey, I need some time alone for a couple of minutes, maybe hours.
I walked down the stairs, and, gosh, I can run down the stairs; faster than walking down the stairs. We're always late to things because Dan and Phil are always talking, and they're holding hands, acting like a married couple. I mean, they are a married couple, but they need to walk faster. They just blame it on how fast time goes.
I got to the park, and sat down on a bench. I sat there, enjoy the peaceful sounds of birds chirping, enjoying life. After a few minutes of enjoying life, I felt kind of hungry. I got up, and, as I have seen Dan and Phil do this before, I have learned from them, I took one step, and tripped on a crack. Don't blame me if I trip and fall face first into your birthday cake, blame it on Dan and Phil.
I fell, and as I was falling, I quickly turned my face so that I hit my cheek, not break my nose. I actually hit my cheek bone, and that hurt more than I expected. I groaned, and got up, then fell again, onto my cheek, thankfully again. I groaned louder. I lifted my head off of the ground only, and looked to the left. I saw a handsome man running towards me. "Oh my gosh are you okay?" He asked. "Y-Yeah." I answered. I was totally lying, just so I could seem cool and tough. I really wasn't okay, or tough, or cool at all. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Y-Yes." I said, clearing my throat. Aww, man! I always do that when I'm lying. He laughed and said, "I don't think so."
He lifted me up with his left hand only, and, damn he's strong. I then felt something in my pants. I gasped slightly. I quickly turned around to the other side, and put it away. I got a boner for t-that? Is that a sign? He cleaned my shirt for me. What a gentleman. "So, uh, I haven't asked," I cleared my throat. "What is your name? My name i-is Dil."
"My name is Brett." He answered. "Sexy name." I said. He laughed for some reason. "Thanks." "Crap. Did i say that out loud?" "Yes." He laughed. "I said that out loud, too?" I asked, this time knowing that I said that out loud. "Yes." He laughed even more. He has a sexy laugh, name and body. "I'm so dumb. T-Thats why I don't have friends." I walked to the Cement Table and Seat that had a built-in chessboard. I slammed my hand onto the Cement and slouched into the Cement seat. It hurt when I slammed my hand. "No, no, no! You don't! I want to be your friend!" He said. "Really?" I asked, m-my eyes lit up. I am finally going to have a friend! I hope we have an amazing friendship like Dan and Phil's; well, before they fell in love with each other. "Yes. I would love To be your friend, Dil. So, wanna chat and play chess?" He smiled. "Sure." I smiled back. This is the first time I've smiled in a long time.
We played for 3 hours, getting to know each other and shit, and it was starting to get late, but I didn't care. (He also told me how he was gay and I felt a tiny boner. Sign number 2.) I just wanted to play with my friend. I don't care if I sound like a 5 year old. As I was about to win, my phone vibrated. "Excuse me." I said as I took my phone out and checked why my p-phone was vibrating. It was a text from Phil. 'Its getting kinda late Dil. Come home! Dan and I miss you! And it's my fucking birthday! Lets celebrate!' The text read. I texted back, 'Okay. I'll be home in like 10 minutes. And you better have ordered Pizza ;)'
He joked, 'You got it boss ;)'
I smiled and told Brett I was going home. He then stopped me and gave me his number. I gave him mine. "Bye, Dil! And call me later!" He shouted as I trailed off home.
I then thought, 'I just got a friend, so why walk away when you only talked 3 hours?' I walked back to Brett and told him that I decided to play more. He agreed. We played for another hour, and got to know each other e-even more.
I then went home at 8:00. I got home and closed the door, my back against it, and I smiled, while looking into space, remembering Brett's face, the time we spent together today, the fact that I got a friend, all the great memories. I then snapped out of my by Phil, who had h-his hands on his hips, and had his angry face on. "Where the fuck were you?!" He asked, getting closer to me. Even though he was angry, I kept smiling. "I met a friend t-today." I grinned a little wider. "You said you'd be home an hour ago!" He yelled even louder. "I thought that I should get to know him more, so I didn't leave." I said, now looking at Phil in the eyes, they were philled (badum tsss) with rage. Phil was about to say something, but Dan came from downstairs, shirtless, with a towel wrapped around his waist, Thank God, towards Phil. "Philly, come back to bed, we weren't done!" Dan tugged at Phil's arm. He looked turned on, and sexually aroused, so I guess they were having birthday sex and Phil left for a second to see who was at the door. "Wait, Dan. I'll be back in 5 minutes." P-Phil motioned Dan to go back upstairs. Dan went upstairs. "You, Mister, are in big trouble. Especially on your father's birthday! You are grounded. Go to bed right now." He pointed to my room. "But Phi-" I was about to say, but then Phil cut me off by saying, "No. You disobeyed. Go to bed right now, Mister. We will speak tomorrow." Phil has always been the more strict and mature and responsible parent. Dan, on the other hand, well, you know how Daniel James Howlter is. I groaned and stomped to my room. I put my bookbag down on the floor and took off my pants and shirt, so I was left with boxers only. I fell onto my bed, then smiled because I was thinking off the good 4 hours I had today. A couple of s-seconds later, I start hearing moaning and a bed squeaking. Dan and Phil. "Who's your daddy?!" Phil yelled in between a big moan. Okay, Phil might not be a fully responsible parent. "Daddy!" Dan yelled.
I rolled my eyes and, well, I'm used to hearing Dan and Phil have sex, so I drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Hearing them have sex always makes me remember the incident, though. It wasn't like, a car crash or anything, I basically just walked in on them having sex at 16 years old. I always see that when I close my eyes when they're having sex, and then when the thought is gone, which is in about 12 minutes, I fall asleep.
Next Morning
I awoke to the sounds of birds, then to Dan and Phil laughing upstairs. I groan, remembering that I'm still grounded, and sit up, then lay back down. I gasp and widen my eyes as I realized that I haven't called Brett! I quickly grabbed my phone that was at 98% and dialed the number he gave me.
After the fifth ring, he answered. "Hey, buddy!" He exclaimed. "Hi, Brett!" He makes me happy whenever I hear his voice or see him. "What're you doing?" He asked. "Laying in my bed, what're you doing?" I asked. "I'm currently looking up pictures of Dan Howlter. Gosh, he's so cute. He's taken by the Phil guy, but I don't care." He answered. I scrunged up my face at what he just said. "Wait...what? First, you're gay? And second, y-you have a c-c-crush on D-Dan Howlter?" I asked, sweating. "Ummm yeah. I'm gay. You wouldn't judge that would you?" He asked. "No, No! I totally wouldn't! B-because....because I think I might be gay, t-too." I scratched the back of my head. "And also, yeah, I have a crush on Daniel. He's so fucking hot." He said. I widened my eyes. "Uh...u-ummm...can I tell you something?" I asked. "Yeah, what is it?" He replied. "Umm....this is''m Dan and Phil's kid." I shut my eyes and clenched my fist. "Wait...really? Oh shit I'm so sorry! This is awkward. Uh....but...I really do have a crush on him...and...uh....s-sorry. Shit." He hung up.
This just made everything really awkward. Well, I knew I was never going to have a real friend. H-He called back 3 seconds after I smack my head with my hand. "Hello?" He starts. "Sorry bout all that. But, um, ever since we met I have had a boner...and because I really like you....and so this boner would go away, will you be my boyfriend?"
I widened my eyes and put myself on mute. I then squealed really loud. I danced on my bed. "H-Hello? You still there?" He asked. I quickly unmuted myself and said, "Umm...yeah..sorry...anyway..I would LOVE to be your boyfriend!" I said this with a low tone because I can't let Dan or Phil know. Not yet.
"Yaay! Well I gotta go, but I love you!" He said with joy. "I love you, too! Bye!" I said with joy.

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