Chapter 10

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Dan's POV

"Hello, Internet." I greeted the camera. "Hey guys!" Phil greeted the camera as well. "So, um, we have something big to say today. Dan and I So him and I are gay. We have been dating for 2 years, and we weren't ready to come out yet...until now. We also wanted to say that it isn't really wrong if you like another person of your gender. If it makes you happy, then do it!" Phil felt tears and sweat drip down his body. "We have been married for 1 year, and as you can see, " Phil and I showed our rings to the camera, "My ring has 'Forever Phil's Dan' carved into it and Phil's has 'Forever Dan's Phil' carved into it."
I smiled and kissed Phil's cheek. "We love you guys and hope you understand that it isn't bad to love someone of your own gender. I love you guys and Phil." Phil and I sniffled and wipe tears from our eyes. "So, yeah. Oh yeah, we have one more thing to say." Phil got up and came back with Andrea and Dil. They all sat down, except for Dil. "Dil, come." Phil motioned Dil to come down. Dil slowly lowered himself and then looked at the camera. Dil let out a whimper and tried to hide himself by turning around and tugging at Phil's hoodie so he could cover his face. Dil eventually gave up and curled up into a ball on Phil's lap. Phil let a tear run down his face. He wiped it. He stroked Dil's hair and made shushing sounds every 3 seconds. I tried to hold back the pain of Dil being that sensitive and shy, and seeing Phil cry. "Um..." I swallowed. "That is Dil, and this is our daughter Andrea." Andrea waved at the camera and happily said, "Hi! I'm Andrea Howtler and this is Daddy," She pointed at me from behind, "And this is Papa!" Andrea pointed at Phil from behind.
"So, yeah. We are the Howlter family. Um..see you soon guys!" Phil waved goodbye. I got up to stop filming. We all lay on the wood floor as a family until we fell asleep together.

The Howlter Family Life [[DISCONTINUED]]Where stories live. Discover now