Tesha and Level 0: The Lobby

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 MaKaya woke up on a disgusting smelling, wet, yellow carpet. She quickly got to her feet and picked up her backpack. After thinking for a moment, she decided to change her shoes, unto her new green shoes with red soles. Much better grip. She stuffed her dirty shoes into a bag and slipped it back into her backpack before zipping it up and flinging it back over her shoulder, now she began to wander.

The silence was loud, only comforted by the loud buzzing of the obnoxious yellow lighting above, every room was the same; worn mono-yellow wallpaper, old moist carpet, scattered electrical outlets, and inconsistently-placed fluorescent lighting. Aside from these common features, no two rooms within the level are identical. She was very careful to beware of entities and piles of skeletons in one place, Carpet Moss is dangerous after all. She found herself aimlessly wandering, she was only really looking out for two things; Carpet Moss, and Entities. She already wasn't planning on running into somebody, this place was both infinite and likely devoid of any life that isn't an Entity. So, she just wandered around, turning every now and then, sometimes marking the walls with her pen, but overall just not paying too much attention to the continuous mono-yellow of the environment.

The Manila Room: Level 0

 MaKaya only zoned back in when she realized that the Level seemingly changed out of nowhere. The lights were suddenly very warm in color: almost a deep orange and the wallpaper and flooring have a similar color to that of manila paper, very similar to that in Level 0, the Level she supposedly wandered out of. She walked to the far wall of the room and put her backpack down, and sat down next to it with her back against the wall. She grabbed her water bottle out of her backpack and drank a good quarter of it before capping it and putting it back. She brought out her pocket knife and kept it hidden in her hands as she fell asleep. She was exhausted from no-clipping and wandering for possibly hours.

She woke up to see a figure holding a bat in the air, ready to strike down at her. She was too tired to see who the figure was exactly, but she gasped, and dodged as the bat came very quickly down. She stumbled up to her feet and quickly wiped the crust from her eyes and quickly wiped out her knife, very happy that she took knife defense and training classes. It might've been a few minutes, maybe seconds, but it felt like she had already been in this world for hours. The two had a constant back and fourth of dodging and striking. Finally, MaKaya struck in an odd way, which made the hilt of her knife slip out of her hand and bounce out of her hand and going directly at her leg, slitting her calf as she fell to one knee as her knife stuck itself into the ground behind her. The figure lowered their bat and walked around her. They let out a gasp. MaKaya fainted from the blood loss and mass amount of pain coming from her leg.

She woke up again with her back against the wall and the girl wrapping her leg with something that made the spot numb. She grabbed the knife and cut it and tape it down. She let out a somewhat stressed sigh. MaKaya groaned, getting the girl- Tesha...?

"I'm sorry about that." Tesha said. She has strangely colored eyes, they are green with the outline of them being red, but the most noticeable thing were her crescent shaped pupils. It clearly wasn't normal, they both face each other as well, almost like she was permanently cross-eyed. Her hair is dark brown with a black band holding her long hair up. She wore a bright green shirt with a red eye lingering above her breasts, long sleeves, a dirty backpack, a tied leather belt, jeans that were somehow not ripped, and mud-stained shoes. She wasn't smiling, resting bitch face. "I figured you were a Skin Stealer."

"You're a great fighter." MaKaya said.

"You too, I've never seen anyone stand a slight chance against a bat with a pocket knife." Tesha commented. "You wanted to come here, didn't you?"

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