Level 974: A Child's Abnormality

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"Ow!" MaKaya was curled up in the grass in pain, everything hurt, but nothing more than her hands. Tesha sat up placing a hand on her forehead.

"Yeah, no kidding..." She opened up her bag to drink a can of Almond Water. She drank it all with one breath before getting back to her whaling friend with another can. "MaKaya."

MaKaya opened one of her eyes, despite being curled up into a ball, most of the cuts were visible due to her summer-like clothing. Tesha carefully helped her sit up, despite her entire body being in pain, she mainly kept her hands as hidden as possible.

"You need some Almond Water." She sat down next to her. She still refused to move out of her fetal position. "Look, I know you're in pain but it'll help you, I promise."

MaKaya shakily took the can from her, it was already opened, so she loosened her position to make the drinking a bit easier. She drank the whole can in one breath as Tesha looked across the endless sky. Islands were carelessly scattered across the sky. She sighed. "Thanks..." MaKaya said, catching Tesha's attention.

"Oh, yeah, no problem."

"So... um..."

"Just ask."

"What was that thing that was chasing us?"

Tesha raised an eyebrow.

"It was like a creature made out of branches and roots."

"Oh! You're talking about Cerberus." Tesha nodded, it was MaKaya's turn to be confused. "Cerberus is a creature attached to the roots of nearby trees in Level 45." She explained. "Whenever he moves he appears to be the silhouette of a lanky humanoid figure with a crown of its own. The roots of nearby trees that are intertwined and connected to the creature will snap if it eventually reaches out of certain boundaries. As it gets closer to more trees, their roots will also branch outwards and merge with the Entity."


"What are you, a dictionary???" MaKaya joked and they both giggled.

"Well what can I say? I'm an expert on this place." Tesha shrugged.

"Ain't that the truth." She crossed her arms. "So, where are we?"

"Welcome to A Child's Abnormality." She shrugged. "Below us is a void, above us is the sky, and around us are islands." She sighed. "We can get to Kitty's House from here."

"Who's 'Kitty'?" MaKaya asked, making air quotes with her fingers.

"Oh, he's a very kind and caring Entity." Tesha replied, she seemed to be reminiscing. "He only looks very intimidating, but he's quite the gentleman. Very friendly for an Entity."

"Hm." MaKaya crossed her arms, half scowling while looking at the islands around them. So they're friendly to you but they can't be friendly to me, huh.

"What?" It was like she knew what MaKaya was thinking.


Tesha sighed, shaking her head. "Whatever, this isn't a good place to pick fights." She began digging through her bag, the shuffling caught MaKaya's attention as she eventually sat on the other side of Tesha's bag, just looking at what the survivor had. Lots. There was lots, but it was also very neatly packed. Very different from MaKaya's bag, which was packed as messily as you could imagine.

"Whatcha lookin' for?"

"My grappling hooks."

This surprised MaKaya. "The what???"

"Grappling hooks." She repeated.

"Yeah, I got that. But how did you get those???"

"Knowing certain colonies are more useful than others." She smirked, pulling out something that looked like a black gun, but it had a metal arrow-like spike sprouting from the opening of it. The visible rope was made out of metal.

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