S.S 17: Abandoned Carrier

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The sounds of gears and machinery running and their footsteps echoed throughout the halls.The corridors became constructed from metal and have blue floors, white walls, pipes, fluorescent lights and wires on the ceiling. Multiple doorways appeared on both sides of the corridors which lead to small cabins. The level itself seems to be moving in slow pace, with the pace fluctuating from time to time, but never coming to a halt. It was composed mostly of stairwells, corridors and rooms.

"I'd like to imagine their good people." Tesha began, as they walked down the metal halls. "Although I'm curious if they have inhuman abilities like me. You know, superhuman senses or something like that."


"I like to think that they'd be looking for me, but only certain people can confirm that." She looked at MaKaya, who was looking something up on her phone. "What are you doing???"

"Seeing if either of us are right..." She seemed focused. "Yup." They stopped and MaKaya showed Tesha the article on her phone: One Week Old Tesha SilverRose Was Stolen From The Hospital! "Quite the viral headline back in 20XX." She turned her phone off and took a step back. "Damn, this place is so cramped."

Tesha remained silent.

"Right Tesha?" She looked up to see Tesha staring at the blue metal floor. She didn't appear to be in shock or anything, she just seemed... sad... "Tesha, are you okay...?"

No reply.

She tilted her head slightly. "Tesh...?"

"Well, you learn something new everyday, don't you?" It was hard to read her, she was clearly feeling a mixture of emotions, it was just hard to tell what specifically.

"Um... yeah..." Crap, I forgot to pack my charger! Oh well, I can just handmake one if I can get the right materials. "This alongside the potential rumor adds up uncomfortably well."

"What. Rumor?" Tesha had quickly become scary serious.

"I-It was a story from someone who seemed to know you since childhood." MaKaya seemed reluctant to spill. "You probably know them well."

"How can you be so sure...?" She looked up at a nervous MaKaya.

"I just know." MaKaya nervously shrugged.

"Fine." Tesha returned to her neutral self as MaKaya exhaled, not realizing she was holding her breath to begin with. They began walking again. "Do you know anything about my parents?"

"Indirectly." She answered. "It seems that they searched for you the first eighteen years of your life but gave up afterwards." She explained with a small shrug. "They probably assumed you had either been long gone or dead. I wouldn't blame them for losing hope at one point." She stopped, which caused Tesha to stop as she turned to MaKaya in confusion. "Have you... ever seen the exit before...?"

Tesha's eyes widened. "There's an exit???"

"Oh God, you didn't know???"

"No! I thought this place was just eternally endless!"

MaKaya laughed. "Well it kinda is, but it isn't."

"What does the exit look like???"

"It should be a glowing yellow door."

"Oh I've seen that before! It was roughly in the middle of last year."

"Well, that door is the exit. There is no other confirmed way out of here."

"I can't believe I've missed my chance six times!"

"Oh, so you know that it seems to appear after four years."

"Yeah." They continued walking. "Say, are you afraid of water?"

"No...? Why?"

"I don't wanna end up in a wooden labyrinth, so we're going through Level 7."

"Thalassophobia." MaKaya finished.

A shiver ran down Tesha's spine. Long words. "Yeah, that Level..."

MaKaya just smiled.

"So, do you know about The Thing on Level 7?" Tesha arched an eyebrow.

"No, I couldn't find any information. I just know it's a rumor though."

"Eh, that's true." She shrugged. "Just hope you're good at swimming."

"I am, but isn't it going to be dark?"

"Maybe underwater."

"That's difficult... I can't see underwater very well."

"Don't worry, neither can I." She shrugged. "The main issue is the tar covering the hard carpet floor. Multiple skeletons of many types are down there. Nothing survives on that Level. There's only one exit, I think."

"So why are we going there????" MaKaya questioned.

"I'm not getting stuck in that wooden labyrinth again." Tesha stated.

"Sounds safer than drowning."

"You won't drown, it's not like it's only water, and you can kill a fish-"

"If they haven't killed that thing yet then I doubt a handgun is going to cut it."

"You can put that back, this Level is rather safe."

MaKaya slid the gun back in her backpack and zipped it up.

"I need to heal your arm." Tesha said. "I don't want your arm to hurt if we get into a fight with Entities."

"Gee thanks." MaKaya rolled her eyes. "You couldn't think of anything better."

"Sorry!" Tesha giggled. "You're a very sharp shooter though."

"I'm honestly not." MaKaya admitted. "I just can't afford to miss."

"Well, you're doing a good job so far."


They approached the end of the corridor, Tesha opened the door to a large staircase. "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me."


"Looks like we both aren't getting what we want." She moved out of the way, allowing MaKaya to see down the high up, spiral staircase. It made her dizzy just looking at it, but she couldn't look away. She stumbled back, Tesha caught her. "Woah! Are you okay???" She set MaKaya on the metal floor as she placed a hand to her forehead.

"Heights..." She muttered, Tesha could only hear her clearly due to her inhuman hearing.

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