Level 54: Stairwell Of Spirals

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Tesha finally managed to calm MaKaya down as they began gradually going up the staircase that led to Level 1 of 2. Tesha had to make sure that MaKaya wouldn't glance at the spiral staircase below them. How did she do this? Smalltalk. It seemed to be the only way to ever distract her. They reached a platform with two doors, both made of dark oak.

"Comeon, we're going through the right door." Tesha turned and pointed to it for MaKaya. "We'll have to go in one at a time, is that okay?"
MaKaya's eyes began to wander-

"Lossing!" Her attention snapped back to Tesha. "Are you okay going before or after me?"

"I- um..."

"I'll go first if it makes you more comfortable."

"I- sure."

"Alright, if you're 100% sure." Tesha opened the door and walked in, leaving MaKaya on the staircase. Wait a minute.

I wonder what happens if I go down the stairs instead of up. MaKaya looked up and down the spiral staircase, instantly being met with regret as she remembered just how high up this Level was. "Motherfucker..." She shuttered and backed up in nervousness. "Nevermind that, I think I'll just stay here for a few..."

Tesha facepalmed. I can't believe I forgot her fear of heights and being abandoned. Sure, she could easily follow me though, but is her childish self going to allow that? She stood up. Guess I gotta just wait...

MaKaya looked up at the two doors. "Which one did she say again...?" Her voice uncomfortably echoed throughout the spiral staircase. She brought her voice down to a whisper. "Okay, not gonna speak that loud again." She crept her way up to the doors with her hands on her hips in thought. "Did she say it was left?" Shook her head. "No, no, I think it was right. Hm..." She began tapping her foot. "She said to follow her and she went right, so that must be right!" She confidently opened the right door and there Tesha was, waiting.

"Good." She sighed in relief. "I forgot about your fear of heights."


"And abandonment..."


"Sorry." She pulled MaKaya onto the stairs as the door closed behind her. "I forgot-"

"I know, I'm-"

"I'm not alone anymore."

MaKaya's eyes widened and she stood there in shock. It was clear she expected to be called a child.

Tesha gave her a calm smile. "I have a partner now."

MaKaya sat down with her back to Tesha and pulled out her notebook and pen. She proceeded to continuously write in the notebook for several minutes. Just as Tesha was about to tap her shoulder when MaKaya slammed the notebook shut and capped the pen, sliding them both away in her backpack. She stood up and slung the backpack over her shoulders. "Okay, let's go."

Weirdo. "Yeah." They continued up the stairs, MaKaya seemed to forget just how high up they were as she didn't appear very bothered by the height. At least not yet. "Scared of spiders?" Tesha asked randomly.

"Nah, I actually had several tarantulas growing up." She giggled. "Mom did not approve."

"Oh I can imagine." Tesha rolled her eyes as they shared another laugh. "You know, you're not bad company."

"Heh, thanks..." The joy seemed to drain out of her voice. "I get that a lot."

"Relationship issues?"

"Lots." She sighed. "Sorry, normal complements just don't hit the same as they should anymore."

"Eh, it's fine, it's not like I get out much anyways."

"You're just antisocial, it's fine."

They reached another two dark oak doors.

Tesha opened the right door as the two girls walked in and it closed behind them. They were standing at the bottom of the spiral staircase, causing MaKaya to look up out of sheer curiosity. Of course, trying to see how high up it went caused her to faint due to both anxiety and from straining her neck trying to see the entire staircase. Tesha caught her before she hit the floor and laid her down as the basic layout shifted into a tunnel...?

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