Level 1950: Grandma's House

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Tesha was the first one up, no surprise there, she got up, took off her sheets and coat back, and walked over to the window. She nearly fell back at the sight. There was a garden surrounded by a wooden fence, but behind the fence, there were rows and rows of graves going as far as the eye could see. "Oh right, we're here." She crossed her arms, her fear disappearing as quickly as it came. She began wandering the run-down house. She knew exactly where to go and what to do, but first she had to get MaKaya cleaned up. That Hound definitely did a number on her sanity, so she'd have to get some Almond Water before they do anything. She also found it quite impressive how MaKaya handled her weapons, she was clearly trained, but she also clearly never thought she'd use them. Tesha shook her head as she walked down to the basement, ignoring the sweet old woman who requested she do something for her, and seeing if the vase was still there. No surprise, it was still there. She walked back upstairs and into the bathroom to wash her hands. At least this place has clean water-

She could hear muffled talking through the walls. Is she-? She shut off the water and walked out of the bathroom. Gosh darn it MaKaya! "Why are you talking with her?"

"She's nice!" MaKaya replied.

Childish as always. "Yeah, of course she is, this is her house."

"Well you should be nice to her too." MaKaya crossed her arms. "Anyway, I'm gonna go get those books organized." She turned to the woman. "Alphabetically or by height?"

"By height deary." The old woman replied.

"You got it Ma'am!"

Tesha rolled her eyes. Such overenthusiasm. Tesha and the old woman locked eye contact.

"Can you do me that favor yet?" The old woman asked.

She crossed her arms. "What."

"Can you please do the dishes for me?"

She sighed. "Fine." She walked over to the dishes, muttering to herself as she rolled up her sleeves and clogged the sink, turning on the hot water, and adding the dish soap. She never hated MaKaya more than that moment.

They'd be stuck doing chores for the woman every few days for a long time, as MaKaya insisted they stayed despite how close the exit was. Occasionally, the woman would tell them, mainly MaKaya as Tesha usually wasn't present, stories about her life with her husband. Her deceased husband, who was the only entity in this entire level. He is called The Gravelurker. Then there was the... multiple times, actually, that a dog(Hound) would appear and MaKaya would always try to get to it. Tesha was the only reason the thing hadn't mauled her to death. Tesha would more often than not, scold MaKaya for being so childish and ignorant and nearly getting herself killed. Constantly. She found it very annoying to keep an eye on her, and there were various times when she had the thought of just leaving her here, since she loved it oh so much. She didn't see MaKaya as much more than dead weight, weighing her down. They could've gone through so many more levels and met other colonies, maybe even find the mall and go shopping, but. No. They're stuck in this old woman's house doing CHORES!

MaKaya was more immersed in this other world than Tesha thought, for she found herself always wanting to help people, that's why she insisted on staying, but Tesha refused to hear her out on anything. It was clear Tesha wanted nothing more than to leave the old house and get on with her life. The scolding kinda hurt, afterall, she pretty much sacrificed everything she had just to get here and she gets treated like... trash... She tried to not let it get to her, as the old woman who appeared every now and then kept great company. There were many times when MaKaya felt the urge to slap or snap at Tesha, but she kept her composure and made sure to drink plenty of Almond Water to keep her sanity up. Tesha seemed to not need it as much as she did. It makes sense, she lived here since she could walk, even before that. It'd make sense that her body could stand longer without the basic necessities... here at least. Honestly, if she could stay here, she would. She constantly tried to retell the old woman's stories to Tesha, and she wrote down the events of the day in detail everyday. The place was safe as long as they didn't leave the garden gates.

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