let me take care of you

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Scenario: Jungkook is sick and Jae takes care of him

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Scenario: Jungkook is sick and Jae takes care of him.


Sighing as he enters the apartment, Jae removes his shoes, setting them by the door before removing his hat, hanging it on the rack as in his hand was a bag with food. Food especially for his little one.

"Honey, I'm home!" Jae jokingly called out. He heard a laugh in the distance before footsteps followed the sound and slowly the footsteps revealed themselves to be his little one. Jungkook was wearing a casual blue hoodie along with gray sweatpants, his hair long and overgrown and he wore spider-man socks. He wore his signature bunny-smile and his pink cheeks shined under the dimly lit lights. Jungkook immediately jumped in Jae's arms, his legs going around Jae's waist as his arms went around Jae's neck. The sudden jump caused Jae to almost fall back but caught himself at the last minute, he placed the bag of food on a nearby table and put his arms around his little one's waist.

He felt Jungkook sigh, probably with the contacted hug they're having right now, Jae couldn't help but chuckle, he kissed the younger's neck, sending a shiver down Jungkook's spine, "I missed you, too, darling," He respond back to Jungkook's indirect-direct "I missed you". He got a hum in response, "I brought food." Picking up the almost-forgotten food from the table, showing it to Jungkook, who removed his face from the older's neck.

Jungkook hummed, "Carry me to the kitchen," He pouted before burying his face back into the older's neck, knowing that the older was not gonna say no to him, even if he did. He heard Jae sigh before he felt the older move and made his way to the kitchen with the younger in his arms


The couple sat across from each other, both munching on their food in the silence. It wasn't awkward but much rather, a comfortable silence, it being broken by their munching sounds, hums from Jae, and little sniffles from Jungkook, which occasionally caused Jae to ask him if he's okay to which Jungkook would brush him off, saying he's okay.

Come to think of it, Jungkook looked tired. Physically, he had bags under his eyes, his eyes threatening shut close, his nose bright red that rudolph would be jealous, he was constantly shivering even though the room was at a room temperature and he was wearing a large hoodie and he was also sweating, despite his shivering. Jae furrowed his eyebrows when taking in Jungkook's appearance, the younger did not look okay, like he had stated.

"Darling," He called for the younger, softly. Jungkook startled up from he stared off into the distance, zoning out, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Jungkook hummed, scrunching his nose, sniffling a little, "Yeah, butterfly, I'm–" But before Jungkook finished, he suddenly leaned forward, his hand covering his mouth and dashed out the kitchen door, to the nearest bathroom and it didn't take a deaf person to know that Jungkook was definitely throwing up. Jae didn't hesitate to quickly follow him, picking up a water bottle from the table. He found himself at the door of the bathroom and Jungkook was hunched over the toilet, he gagged and coughed as he continued to vomit. Jae sighed before he made his way over to the younger as he set the water bottle next to Jungkook. He took off the hair tie around from his wrist as he took a hold of Jungkook's hair, tying it into a ponytail before he started rubbing the younger's back and occasionally patting his back. When the younger's face came up from the toilet, leaning back against the older, who wordlessly gave him the water bottle. Jungkook took it and slowly started sipping from the bottle, slowly exhaling when he felt his back slump against the older's chest while Jae slumped against the wall as he rubbed Jungkook's sides, silently encouraging the younger to take slow deep breaths.

Jae placed his other hand, gently, on top of Jungkook's forehead, sighing when he felt it burning hot, "Darling, you are absolutely not fucking fine."

Jungkook winced a little when he heard Jae swear, snuggling more into the older as he pouted. Jae sighed, "Come on, we got to get you to bed," Jungkook whined out a no, he pouted even more, clinging more to the older. Jae chuckled a little, knowing how clingy Jungkook gets when sick, "Come on, how about we get you to bed, I'll make you some warm soup, then you can drink your medicine and then we'll cuddle, maybe even watch a movie," He suggested to the younger, who looked up at him, still pouting, his nose still bright red, his hair all messy, all sticking out in different direction, which just made him even more cuter. Jungkook sighed, which made cough a little before he snuggled more into the older as he nodded into the older's neck, hugging him more, prompting him to carry him to the bed.

Jae chuckled before he picked up Jungkook in bridal style, taking him up to their bedroom. Once inside the room, he placed Jungkook on the bed, kissing his forehead as the younger clung onto a pillow. Jae left the room, back to the kitchen, seeing the leftover food that was left, he stored them all in the fridge before making the younger's soup. Just some nice, warm, chicken soup for his little one. After he put the soup in a bowl, he made sure to pick up some medicines that were in the kitchen's drawers and he went up, with the soup in his hands. When he went into the bedroom, he saw the younger laying on his stomach which prompted him to wake him up so he could eat the soup.

Jae patiently sat next to the younger, feeding him the soup, rubbing his back to make sure he takes slow deep breaths and not rush his breathing when eating. After Jungkook finished the whole bowl, Jae made him drink some of the medicine he brought up.

"We might have to go to the hospital tomorrow," Jae softly said, causing Jungkook to whine and shake his head, which made Jae laugh, "Why? How else are you going to get better?"

Jungkook shrugged, "I don't know, all I know is that I don't want to go to that hellhole," He pouted as his butterfly laughed at him, pinching his cheeks, calling him cute which caused him to pout even more.

Jae placed the empty bowl on the bedside table, knowing Jungkook was going to whine if he went downstairs, again. He went out of the bed as Jungkook laid on the bed, sighing when he felt the comfort of the pillows on his back. Jae quickly changed into a pair of sweatpants and hoodie before he went under the sheets, hugging Jungkook close, who snuggled into his neck, nuzzling his nose on the older's neck.

"Should we watch a movie?" Jae whispered, softly. Jungkook shook his head in response to which Jae nodded to, holding the younger more to his chest as one of his hands made its way to Jungkook's waist while the other made its way to the younger's hair, slowly running his fingers through his hair. The room was quiet but it wasn't awkward, it was comfortable. The room was slightly dimmed, a candle was lit, placed on the bedside table and the only sound you could hear was the young couple's breathing, mixing together. The scent of lavender and villain made the atmosphere around them like they were on a cloud but really any time they were in each other's presence, in each other's arms, they really felt like they were on cloud 9.

"I love you, butterfly," Jungkook's faint voice filled the room, causing Jae to smile, kissing the younger's forehead.

"I love you, too, darling," He replied, smiling softly as his little one, watching him slowly fall into dreamland. Gosh, when did he get so fucking lucky?

© 𝗫𝗢𝗖𝗛𝗢𝗜𝗫𝗢 2022 – %??..
( male added member )

I might do another one like this but it's jungkook who's taking care of jae.

𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐌, blackpink.Where stories live. Discover now