can we always be this close forever and ever?

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Scenario: Jae is sick and Jungkook takes care of him

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Scenario: Jae is sick and Jungkook takes care of him.


Jae sniffled as he continued to work on the song he was currently working on. He was in his studio, at 2:00 am, his body feeling so cold yet at the same time so hot. For the whole day, he's been in the studio, cooped up, trying to finish this song before he could move on to the next one.

Jae wore an oversized purple hoodie, with gray shorts, chick socks. The hood was over his blonde hair, the hoodie covering his hands, creating sweater paws.

He felt comfortable yet at the same time so uncomfortable. Maybe because he felt really hot, there was a thin line of sweat at his hairline, or maybe because he was cold, his hands were shaking from the cold, even though the room was at room temperature. His nose was red, like Rudolph, his throat was killing him as if someone was punching it, his head throbbed from the brightness of the computer light, his eyes heavy from the light, there were multiple occasions where Jae nearly fell asleep but would always catch himself before he could. He would shake his head before continuing his work.

He sniffled as he grabbed a tissue and wiped his nose with it before throwing it in the bin, where there were many many many other tissues. He continued his work until he heard someone knocking on the door.

Jae perked up a bit, "Uh, come in!" He called out, voice cracking and coming out, raspy and rough. Jae scrunched his nose at the sound of his voice, now just realizing how awful it sounded.

The door opened and revealed his little one. Jae couldn't help the smile that took over his face upon seeing his little one. Jungkook wore a white plain shirt with a denim jacket and jeans. He wore his signature black boots and black bucket hat, covering his soft, fluffy black hair.

"Hi, butterfly," Jungkook said, voice soft and smooth as he closed the door behind him before walking over to Jae, pecking his lips, softly, frowning slightly when seeing the state Jae was in, "Are you okay?"

Jae hummed, but it came out as a whimper due to his throat killing him, "Yeah, of course, I'm fine."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, looking at his boyfriend with a concerned look. Worried, Jungkook took a moment to take in Jae's appearance, he had bags under his eyes as if he hasn't slept in a long time, he had a thin line of sweat at his hairline and despite the sweating, he was shivering even though he wore an oversized hoodie, his nose was as red as a traffic light, his hands were shaking from the cold and his fingernails for turning blue due to the cold.

"Jae-" Before Jungkook could finish his question, Jae suddenly hunched forehead, hand coming up to cover his mouth as he turned to the side and vomited in a trash can and kneeled down. Jungkook hissed as he kneeled next to Jae and rubbed his back. As Jae continued to vomit and gag in the trash can, Jungkook picked up water from the table and lightly rubbed Jae's back, kissing his nape as a way of comfort and letting him know he's here.

After a while, Jae finally stopped vomiting and slumped back on Jungkook, who immediately handed him the water. Jae hummed as a thank you before drinking the water as Jungkook rubbed the side of his shoulder and kissed his neck, encouraging him to take slow sips of water. Jae finished half of the water bottle before he snuggled up to Jungkook, who lightly chuckled at him and ran a finger through his hair.

That's how they sat for the next hour or so, Jungkook sat there with Jae in between his legs, his back to Jungkook's front, one of the younger's hand stroking the order's hair as the older held onto the other hand, playing with the rings, the room was dimly lit and the sound of their slow breathing, filled the room.

"I think we should move to the couch," Jungkook said in the silence a few minutes later, "My ass hurts and the room is slowly starting to smell like vomit," Jae scrunched his nose at the smell as he realized what smelled so bad. He hummed, simply, snuggling into Jungkook even more, prompting him to carry him to the couch, causing Jungkook to lightly chuckle before he picked up Jae and laid him on the couch. Jae immediately snuggled into a pillow, sighing deeply as he closed his eyes.

Jungkook smiled softly before he pulled something from under the couch, that made the couch stretch out and now was a makeshift-bed. He added pillows, lots of them, knowing Jae can't sleep without holding onto something. He carefully picked up Jae and placed him on the makeshift bed and tucked him into the blanket. Making sure Jae is tucked in, Jungkook started cleaning the room, throwing any tissues that were scattered around the desk, throwing the trash can outside of the studio, hoping a staff member will come and throw it away. He sprayed perfume around the room, hoping it would get rid of the nasty smell of vomit.

After all that was done, Jungkook removed his shoes and hat before he moved to lay next to Jae, who immediately let go of the pillow and snuggled up with Jungkook. They laid in the comfortable silence as they held each other.

"When was the last time you ate?" Jungkook asked Jae, who hummed, eyes still closed, causing Jungkook to sigh and place his hand on Jae's forehead, immediately removing it when he felt the heating skin on his hand, "You're burning..." Jungkook said, concerned. Jae opened his eyes to look up at Jungkook, pouting, as Jungkook tried to smile, pecking Jae's lips, "How about I order you something and then after you eat, you drink your medicine and then we'll cuddle for as long as you want? Hm?"

Jae smiled as he sniffed, "Okay..."

Jungkook picked up his phone, quickly ordering from some restaurant. Some warm soup, orange juice and some dumplings, cause why not? After he pressed order, he put his phone down next to him and immediately snuggled with Jae, who placed his face into Jungkook's neck, who smiled and kissed Jae's forehead. One of Jungkook's hands found its way to Jae's hair, slowly running his hand through the soft, fluffy hair. Jae snuggled more into Jungkook's neck as his hands found their way to Jungkook's waist.

They sat in the comfortable once again, breathing in each other's presence as the scents of lavender and villain with a hint of honey that just made things even more sweeter. It was always like this with the two, after five years of being with each other, most of their days are just the two snuggled in each other's arms and being in each other's presence. The world around was practically nonexistent as they were in their own little bubble like they were on cloud 9.

Jae looked up to Jungkook, who looked down at him and Jae pulled him into a slow, deep kiss. The kiss could be described as soft, tender, affection, the type of kiss that has you thinking about it at 3am in the morning, all giddy and happy.

When they pulled away, they rested their foreheads together, Jae's heating forehead against Jungkook's warm forehead. They breathed in the same air.

"I love you, darling," Jae's soft voice filled the room as he lightly pecked Jungkook's lips once more.

Jungkook smiled, softly, "I love you, too, butterfly..."

© 𝗫𝗢𝗖𝗛𝗢𝗜𝗫𝗢 2022 – %??..
( male added member )

after so long of procrastination i finally made a chapter for my boys! <3  I hope you guys like it and if you have any suggestions of what I should write for my boys, please do tell <3

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