Talks and Thoughts.

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It took her a moment to fully wake up and realize the banging sounds and angry voices were coming from her apartment and not outside. She considered ignoring it and returning to sleep, she also considered the possibility of her apartment being set on fire.

Groaning in annoyance, Maeve climbed from the warmth of her bed and made her way to where the voices and sounds were coming from.

The sitting area was empty, she turned to the kitchen.

Bill and Tom stood behind the counter, shoving each other out of the others way, cutlery falling to the floor, German being shouted and a stack of pancakes on a plate which surprisingly looked good.

"Are you always this loud in the mornings?"

Both twins looked up once they heard her. They both wore identical innocent smiles with mischievous eyes, that made Maeve want to turn back to Charlies room and not ask any questions.

"Bill is usually still sleeping at this time. He's very lazy" Tom spoke causally, he dropped the last pancake on the plate.

Bill ignored his brothers comment, "we wanted to do something nice" Bill gestured to the food. He smiled hopeful as he waited for Maeve's reaction.

Maeve took the seat opposite them. She grabbed one of the plates left out on the counter, she helped herself to two of the small pancakes.

She ignored the feeling of two pairs of eyes watching her, taking a small bite she braced herself for the worst.

"How is it?" Bill questioned.

Maeve's eyes widened slightly, her eyebrows shot up,"they're actually pretty good" she nodded her head in approval.

Bill made a cheering motion with his hands, filling his own plate up, he sat beside her and began eating as well. Tom remained standing, drinking from his mug, his own plate of pancakes Infront of him.

They ate in silence until the door opened.
Maeve turned around in her seat, her eyes lit up when she saw Charlie.
"Have fun?" Maeve grinned, earning embarrassed mumbles from him. He made his way over to the trio, immediately making a cup of tea.

Charlie looked around noticing them all eating, his eyes landed on the plate with the last pancake.
He walked to the cupboard and got his own plate, setting it on the counter he frowned when seeing the pancake was no longer there.
"What the -" he muttered, his eyes glanced in Tom's direction who stood at the end of the counter, he looked down at his plate seeing Tom had taken the last pancake before he got the chance.

He looked back up at the boy who was already looking at him, smirking as if to taunt him.
Charlie clenched his jaw before turning to the cupboard containing the cereal.

When he was no longer looking, Tom placed the pancake on Bill's plate who looked at him confused before understanding what his twin was doing.

"Really? You couldn't let him have it?" Bill whispered unimpressed.

Tom shrugged innocently, "I agreed to make breakfast for Maeve, not him" he whispered back. He moved his attention to the sofa where the girl now sat, he walked over with his coffee in hand.

"Unbelievable" Bill whispered.

"What's all that for?" Tom eyed the camera and other equipment that was left on the table, "Are you trying to sneak photos of me, flower? All you have to do is ask"

Tom sat beside her, one arm resting outstretched on the sofa behind her.

"I'm a photographer, not one of your fan girls" Maeve glanced at him for a second before turning back, "I was wondering if you could show me around to some of the sights" Maeve packed each piece of equipment carefully into her travel case.

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