Just Like Before.

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Time passed quickly, whether it was because she was with the boys, or because she couldn't stop herself from zoning out.
The lights were all of in the hotel room, leaving it dark. The only sources of light came from the Tv, the city lights outside and the glow of the light peaking through from the bottom of the bathroom door.

An unfamiliar television show played on the Tv, the sounds of the water falling from the shower was faintly heard.

Maeve fought to keep her eyes open, her head resting against Georg's shoulder. Every once and again, her head would lull to the side as her eyes closed, Georg would feel her body halt once she fully woke up.

"You should get to sleep." Georg muttered, his own eyes heavy with exhaustion and his voice tired.

The last two times Georg had suggested that they sleep, Maeve had been stubborn and insisted she wasn't tired. She didn't think she would be able to argue against it now, especially when the idea of sleeping in a comfortable bed was so appealing in that moment.

Maeve used all the strength she could muster to push herself up form the couch. Her legs felt stiff from sitting down for so long. She stretched her arms, a yawn escaping her lips as she did.

Georg smiled at her, bidding her goodnight as he left for his own bed.

Once he had left, Maeve turned off the tv. She looked over at Bill. He was already asleep. His limbs stretched out in all directions on the bed, his duvet tucked tightly around his body. His black hair was sprawled out on the pillows.

At the bottom of the bed, a stack of clothes lay. Fabrics of all different colours and styles were stacked, almost like a miniature mountain. Maeve presumed he was looking for something in particular, as his own suitcase lay open on the floor, completely emptied.

Maeve had already gotten ready for bed. Her pajamas were on, her teeth brushed and all the other skin care she needed to do was done also. The only thing left to do was figure out where she would be sleeping. She never thought to ask Bill, or get her own hotel room. She glanced back at Bill, she doubted she would get any space on his bed.

She looked back to where she stood, the couch looking more inviting than ever, when she was on the verge of sleep.

Picking up a discarded blanket that was left on the floor, Maeve tried to get comfortable on the couch. She covered herself with the blanket, her head resting on the couch armrest. Closing her eyes, she fell asleep unusually quick.


The cold air hit Tom's body instantly once he stepped out of the shower. His flesh covered in goosebumps once it was without the hot water. Stepping out, he wrapped his lower body with the white towel left out for him. Rubbing his hand over the condensation covered mirror, he began doing his night time routine.

He changed into his boxers and baggy sweatpants, leaving his upper body exposed.
He was mindful that his brother would probably be asleep, so he kept his movements quiet. He didn't want to deal with Bill's angry attitude due to being woken up.

When he was finished in the bathroom, he turned off the light and made his way out. He closed the door quietly, stepping out into the dark hotel room. He glanced at Bill, making sure he was asleep and alright.
As he made his way over to his bed, he frowned when he seen it was empty. He took another look at Bill, examining his brothers bed and finding it empty of another body.

Turning around he searched the room with his eyes, stopping at the couch when he seen a hand hanging off the seat. As he approached, the figure revealed itself. Sure enough, Maeve lay, asleep, on the couch. Her body was curled up, one hand laying over her waist and hanging off the side of the couch, the other curled up beside her face.

Tom walked Infront of the couch, staring down at the girl who looked so peaceful as she slept.

He felt a pit of disappointment as he looked down at her. He assumed he would find her in his bed, like the night before and like when they were kids.

Even when asleep, she still had this comforting and soft aurora. Her brows were slightly pinched together, and her lips were pulled into a pout. Tom resisted the urge to laugh, she looked cute.

He knew she would wake up with a sore back and neck, sleeping on the couch couldn't be comfortable. Gently, Tom moved one arm under her legs, the other under her waist as he lifted her up bridal style. He hoped he wouldn't wake her up. Maeve nuzzled her face into his chest. Tom smiled down at her.

Carefully he placed her on his bed, pulling the duvet over her body as he got in beside her. Wrapping an arm around her, he gently pulled her closer to him. Tom placed a soft kiss on her forehead, another on her cheek.

"Tom?" Maeve whispered in a tired voice. Her eyes were still closed, and her legs made small movements. She twisted her body in the direction of his.

Tom hummed, placing another kiss on her shoulder. He inhaled her flowery scent, wanting to get drunk on it. He held her tighter and closer to him.

"Why am I in your bed?" Maeve whispered again, she attempted to keep her eyes open, but the exhaustion weighed them down.

"I couldn't let you sleep on the couch." Tom hummed, staring down at her with a smirk.

"I didn't think you'd want me in your bed." Maeve confessed, smiling in embarrassment.

Tom shook his head, still smiling down at her, "you can come to me when you need anything." His voice grew slightly more serious.
"I would never let you sleep on the couch."

Maeve smiled lazily at him, resting her head on his chest. She focused on the rhythm of his breathing, the feeling of his chest rising and falling continuously. His words rang in her head. Butterflies began fluttering in her stomach, causing her to grin. The room began to go silent as she fell back into her slumber.

Tom felt transfixed on the girl in his arms. He couldn't look away from her, couldn't think of anything but her voice, her scent, her smile. He loved her smile. He loved being the cause of it even more.

He placed another kiss just above her lips. He felt his own eyes begin to close. Nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck, he fell asleep still smiling at the thought of Maeve in his head.

As they slept, the pair moved closer to each other, both having small smiles on their faces.


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