Remembering the Past.

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Somehow, Maeve and Charlie stumbled back up to the booth where the rest of their friends sat. Bill appeared to be the most sober out of everyone. Gustav was completely out of it, Georg was a laughing mess, and Tom was nowhere to be seen.

Bill looked at Georg worried, watching as he struggled to speak a sentence without break into more laughs.
"I think it's time to head back-" more laughs from Georg interrupted him
Bill turned to Charlie and Maeve for their answer.

"Grand" Charlie took the last mouthful from the glass in his hand.
"Fine by me" Maeve agreed.

Bill nodded in acknowledgement, "let me tell Tom we're leaving"

Maeve watched curiously as Bill walked to the corner of the room. Tom sat in all his glory, his legs spread out, one girl sitting on his knee and another standing beside him with a hand playing with his shirt and one on his shoulder. They giggled and flirted with him. Tom was enjoying the attention, sitting there with an arrogant smirk on his face.

Maeve frowned, a new and unknown emotion building up inside her. She looked away once Bill started talking to him.

She felt eyes on her, turning to her side she was met with Charlie's.
"What?" She chuckled nervously.

"You look really pretty tonight" Charlie shouted over the music.

Maeve knew she was blushing now, but she didn't have the energy to hide it.
"Shut up" she mumbled, sipping from her own glass.

"I mean it" she faintly heard Charlie again but Bill had arrived back at the table before she could respond.

"Tom's staying. Charlie do you think you could help me with Georg and Gustav?" Bill asked.
Charlie smiled willingly, helping Gustav to keep his balance whilst Bill helped Georg.

Neither asked for her assistance and seemed to be managing well enough, Maeve shrugged and walked beside Bill.

Someone was playing music in a car loudly ahead of them. Maeve recognized the song, she mumbled the words to herself, walking with a slight bounce in her step.

"You know this song?" Bill looked over to her, smiling as he watched her.

Maeve looked up to him confused, "you don't!" Maeve almost seemed hurt.

Bill looked at her, offended almost, "what's it called? Maybe I'll recognize the name"

"Uptown Girl, by Billy Joel!" Maeve emphasized the singers name. She had grown up with this kind of music. She couldn't believe it was completely new to Bill. But to be fair, not everyone was going to have the same childhood as her and be surrounded with the same music.

"Nope. Doesn't ring a bell" Bill smiled at her.

Maeve shook her head, she continued to listen and hum the music until it could be heard no more.

There was the odd stumble or trip, but other than that the walk was fine. Gustav told the group about how he seen an alien before, Georg said it must've just been Bill in the mornings. Bill threatened to hit him with a microphone at their next show.

Charlie asked plenty of questions about what touring was like, the boys happily answered all his questions with enthusiasm.

It wasn't long before they stopped Infront of a large beautiful hotel. It towered above them, Maeve was sure the views from the top windows must have been beautiful.
Bill lead the way inside.

They walked up multiple steps and passed multiple doors until finally Georg and Gustav straightened themselves, Bill and Georg each pulling out a key. Gustav followed Georg inside to their two person room.
Across from theirs, Bill opened the door to his and Tom's room.

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