A Child's Love.

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The harsh cold winds hit her bare arms and legs instantly. Her nose and cheeks flushing red. She compared her outfit to Charlie's. Her dress was short and a pale pink colour, it sparkled as the car lights shined against it. Her body was a darker colour, the fake tan applied somewhat decent but not realistic looking. Her feet were in black converse, white socks visible. She dressed like every other girl at this disco. Her hair was left down and curled.

Charlie was dressed in a simple t-shirt and black jeans. It wasn't much, but Maeve wanted desperately to trade it for her own outfit.

They stood away from the crowd at the entrance. Leaning against the side of the building, flower pots that hung from the wall casted a shadow on both their faces.

Charlie's entire face was flushed, he couldn't look Maeve in the eyes without his face darkening.
"It's not that big of a deal!" He muttered.

Maeve laughed at his embarrassed face.
"You're turning fourteen in a couple of months, and you still haven't gotten the shift yet!" Maeve laughed loudly, she hid her smile behind her hands.

"Well maybe I don't want my first kiss to be a stranger at a teenage disco!" Charlie defended.

Maeve's laughs halted. She considered his words. She removed her hands that were covering her face, dropping them at her sides.
She felt that fluttery feeling in her stomach, the same she always got when she was around Charlie. She blushed.

Shyly she smiled, leaning up towards him on her toes, she grabbed onto his shoulders for balance.
Charlie was about to ask her what she was doing, but before he could Maeve's lips were on his.

It was a small soft kiss, practically a peck. Maeve was the first to pull away, she looked up at him. His eyes were still closed. She held back a laugh.

"What was that for?" Charlie mumbled, both shocked and curious.

"I love you!" Maeve giggled. She looked at Charlie like it were obvious, like he was already supposed to know.

Charlie grinned at her, a wide smile from ear to ear.
"I love you too." He whispered back.


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