Extra Chapter 19:(forgiveness)

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Two months later...

An emergency evacuation was urged for all Cities near City-A, monsters had almost spawned out of nowhere attacking everything in their paths. All heroes rushed to get things out of control but monsters wouldn't give up easily. Saitama, Genos, and you shopped for groceries when multiple alerts started to ring out. You were given instructions to head back home as soon as possible or find shelter before the situation got worse, however, you were only able to get so far inside a forest when monsters started to chase you hungrily. Managing to outrun them, you found an old what seemed to be abandoned storage house. Slamming the doors shut, heavy breaths over-took as you slid on the ground, a few minutes later you could hear heroes outside fighting the monsters off.

"Come out Garou the monster! We know you are in there!" Demanded voices of heroes.

"W-wait...Garou?" You turned to see a passed out familiar man covered in bandages, he looked almost dead upon closer inspection "G-garou?! Are you ok!? What are you doing here!?" You kneel down to check if he was breathing.

Garou's eyes slowly opened "(y/n)?" He stuttered a bit thinking his mind was playing tricks on him, when his vision focused he saw a teary eyed you shaking him "(Y/N)!"

The man shot up groaning from the pain "it's really you..."

"Garou! I'm sorry!" You clung to him tears running down your face "I'm so sorry...I was horrible to you even after you saved me! I'm sorry!"

Garou's eyes widened, he didn't know how to process anything, maybe he was dreaming or maybe he was dead and you were his angel taking him away "what is happening?"

"I ran away because I imagined that you were hurting me, my mind tricked me into believing you were a bad person and only wanted to hurt me...the last night we were together I put something in your drink so you would fall asleep and that's when I left..." you cried loudly

Finally it all made sense...he knew something was wrong but he could have never truly known what was going on. He was worried that maybe he was doing something wrong and hurting you in some way even though he really didn't lay a hand on you "sometimes...I dreamed of talking to you...I could only say so many things before you would disappear from my dream" he hugged you back releasing a breath "I'm glad you are ok..." he gently pushed you off and walked to the door "leave...run away...the heroes are here to get me, if they see you here they might think you are part of my plans"

"What do you mean?"

"I've gone down a path that I don't want to put you through...I'm not the same person anymore (y/n)" 


"Leave! Run away like you did before and never look back" Garou glanced back at you giving a faint smile "if it's forgiveness you seek then you won't find it here...you don't have to be sorry for anything...now go!"

The harsh loud voice made you get up and run to the back entrance, the sound of angry heroes grew closer and as you took one last look back, Garou faced you with a saddened smile.






'Thank you...'

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