Chapter 17 (The truth behind the lies)

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Muffled sounds covered (Y/N) ears as she rose from a deep slumber, her vision was blurry but she could make out a figure standing in front of her wearing a white dress, she was inside a house...a house she had seen was Garou's house!. Quickly she got up making out her surroundings more clearly "what am I doing back here!?" she asked trying to make sense of the situation.

(Y/N) backed up against a wall holding her head focusing on what was going on, the figure was now clear, it was a girl. She had (H/C) (H/L) hair, her clothes well cleaned, her skin soft as can be, she was standing all alone. (Y/N) couldn't tell if the girl was breathing or not, she made no movement or seem to know another person was there with her "h-hey...are you ok?" asked (Y/N) getting closer to her but no response "hello? are you hurt?" she asked again shaking as she reached out to touch her but before she could another person came into the room "(Y/N) I'm home!"

'(Y/N)?...but that would mean-" she looked to the door to see Garou

'b-but how?...' she thought 'I don't understand' when Garou took a step closer the other (Y/N) ran into the bathroom slamming the door and locking it, in response Garou darted to the door trying to open it "(Y/N) what's wrong!? open the door!" he said concern in his voice "is something wrong? please tell me..." said Garou

'wait no...this isn't how it happened...this is wrong' thought (Y/N) watching what seemed like a flashback 'this is not right!?' she tried to scream out but her voice was blocked out. Garou sat on the floor leaning against the door "did I do something wrong?...

please tell me...

I'm sorry..."

As if it was just a dream the memory broke away leaving only darkness, (Y/N) stood there shocked on what had happened. A flash of light suddenly blinded her, again her vision blurred but this time she was in a different room, the girl was there again except in a change of clothes and Garou was there holding her arm stopping her from running off "(Y/N) what was going on!? that guy almost hurt you and you were going to allow him!?" he yelled but again there was a concern in his voice.

'I remember this, it was the first time I went out of the house alone...then Garou found me talking to the guy cashier and fliped out but why isn't he hitting me?...why isn't his voice threatening as I remember it!' thought (Y/N) watching the interaction, in this memory Garou isn't hurting you at all, he's being gentle, kind, caring, and loving. This isn't the Garou (Y/N) remembered ' that's not him!'

Memory 3:

(Y/N) #2 and Garou were in a room together, the girl seemed to just stand there was Garou tried to touch her but was hesitant, soon the girl fell on the ground clutching her stomach. Garou picked the girl up and laid her gently on the bed "see I told you those pills were expired" he sighed "I'll go get some medicine for you" a hand stopped him, he looked back to the girl. for a minute he starred but laid down beside her "I feel like every day you slip further away from me..." he said pulling her close to his chest "If there's a way to save you...could you tell me?..."

Memory 4:

"(Y/N) where did you get those bruises? who did this to you!? I'm going to kill whoever laid hands on you!" growled Garou holding (Y/N) close to his chest "tell me who did this..."

Memory 5:

"Why are you hiding from me? d-did I do something wrong" asked Garou frantically trying to open the door to her room "please answer me...if i scared you I'm sorry...I'm so sorry" said Garou resting his head on the door "I'm sorry if I scared you, I shouldn't drag you towards my goals but I feel like I could do anything when I have you by my side..." he admitted.

Memory 6:

The moonlight shined on both (Y/N) and Garou, the wind picked it giving them goosebumps, the girl had a black hoodie on and a backpack, her face turned away from Garou who clenched his fists "I can't save you can I?...

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