Chapter 8 (Fear)

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3rd person POV

(Y/N) had asked Saitama and Genos if they wanted to come shopping with her in the afternoon, they surprisingly agreed to accompany her.

In the Central Area of city-Z were clothing shops that interested (y/n), she only picked out things she knew she needed so the boys wouldn't get tired of waiting for her.
Only taking about an hour to shop, they decided to stop at a park bench to eat some ice cream.

"Are you sure that's all your getting?" Asked Saitama with a raised eyebrow "I mean you took no time at all and it seemed like you were in a hurry to pick things out"

"Oh yeah, it's fine, I usually don't take long with these things" she lied nervously. Not wanting the boys to get tired wasn't the only reason...Garou might be looking for her. If he found her then this day would be a disaster. She was suddenly so deep in thought she didn't notice her (F/F) ice cream drip on her chest.

"Hey, it's dripping!" Warned Saitama.
"Oh no!" She snapped away from her thoughts.

"You should be careful there..." Said a familiar gave the girl chills...she knew that voice...she was scared of that voice...

"Who are you?" Asked Saitama
"She hasn't told you about me?" Asked the voice, (y/n) slowly took a glance at the figure standing next to her, there was no mistaking Garou...her eyes meet his gaze, a smirk plastered on him. Eyes widened at her view, her body trembled, her heart pounded, and tears formed around her eyes.

She stood up and walked ran as fast as she could but Garou took hold of her arm, she turned to face him and was met with anger.

"I've been looking for you... let's go home ok?"


2nd person POV

You woke up screaming in your apartment, sweating, heavily breathing and trembling. You looked around for Garou but found yourself on your futon was a dream...just a dream.

"(Y/N)! What's wrong!?" Yelled Genos bursting through the door making you scream again, Saitama was behind him running to your side "we heard a scream"

You didn't know how to handle your emotions right now, all you felt was tears streaming down. Anger, sadness, fright, and confusion lingered with you "Don't just burst through the door! You gave me a heart attack!" You yelled angry trying to wipe the tears away.

"What happened?" Asked Saitama rubbing your back, Genos knelt in front of you.

"I...I had a nightmare" you said wiping the last tears.

"A bad dream?" Repeated Genos

"Yeah, sorry for yelling, you just scared me" you apologized forcing a smile.

"How about you get ready and we'll go for a walk?" Asked Saitama.

"After having a nightmare or scare it is good to get fresh air," said Genos.

"No...I don't think-" you tried to say but were cut off by Saitama "come on, besides it's about to be lunch, we haven't eaten either"

Thinking about it you sighed at gave in, they left so you could get changed. In the shower all you could think about Garou and how if the dream was real, he would kill you for leaving him. After the shower, you brushed your teeth, hair, put on mascara, changed, and went to tell the boys.

"Come in!" You heard Saitama yell from inside his apartment when he heard knocking. Entering his apartment, he was giving Genos a defeated look, while the cyborg scribbled something in a notebook at godspeed.

"Are you re-" Saitama stopped mid-question when he saw you, a white short leave crop top, dark blue jeans hugging your hips, black belt, black shoes, and a nice pink hair clip. Genos had stopped writing looking at you like Saitama was, blushing a little she faced away from their gazes "y-you guys ready?". Genos stood from his place and walked to you "You look very lovely" he said, but he still had a serious look. "thank you!" you said smiling at his compliment. "yeah, you look great" added Saitama joining in his with hands in his Oppai hoodie, you thanked him also following them outside of the apartment.

On the way to the central part of the city, thoughts of Garou flashed your mind, for all you knew this could be a sigh that Garou was near finding you. If that became a reality then you wouldn't see Saitama or Genos ever again. Sure they could help you fight him off but it wasn't their fight, you needed to fight it yourself. Even though you knew fighting against Garou would only indicate a huge loss for you. Again your body acted on its own accord and was now holding hands with both Saitama and Genos. The two didn't mind at all, besides after seeing you distressed back at the apartment, they knew you must have had a horrible dream of some kind, or you were hiding something from them. Either way, they had no problem in keeping you safe.

Saitama had suggested going to a burger place a few blocks from a women's shop, it had been long since he ate a hamburger plus he guessed you would want to go check out some clothes.

"Is this it Master?" Asked Genos looking at a fast-food restaurant.
"Yeah, let's go in!"

Inside the restaurant were a beautiful turquoise and white-colored walls plus furniture, the air smelled like lavender, pretty flower pots in certain places and posters of food everywhere. It sure looked like a fancy restaurant instead of a fast-food one. Saitama and you ordered the same meal while Genos picked out a chicken salad and milkshake.

You slid into a booth thinking you were going to sit alone but Saitama trapped you inside. You felt his warm oppai hoodie brush against you, a tint of blush ran across your face. He was such a handsome guy, even with his egg looking self, you couldn't help but notice his features were actually tone and firm.

"I found you..." You heard Garou's voice behind you, but he wasn't there, only a small child waving, You waved back and turned around. Your heart stopped completely when you saw Garou's figure standing in the entrance with a cold, blood-curling, grin. His yellow eyes piercing your body.

Immediately you dug into Saitama's chest, holding tightly on his sleeve.
"What's wrong he asked?" Looking down at you, a terrified expression must have been on you at that moment because Genos had noticed and glanced behind him but saw no one. You slowly faced up to see an empty spot where Garou should have been.
"S-sorry! I-I didn't mean to do that..." Facing down once more you felt hopeless, you didn't know what to do!

"Is there a possibility you might be paranoid?" Asked Genos.

"Maybe a little" you responded running your fingers through your (H/L) (H/C) hair.

"Ah! Here comes the food" said Saitama, he placed your order in front of you poking your cheek "here eat, it'll pass"

You smiled at his kindness, it looked like he really cared about you even though you didn't know it, but one thing was for sure, you were grateful to have met him and Genos. The food was delicious, you even got the chance to feed Genos a french fry. When you left the restaurant gray clouds filling the sky, the small number of people still in town seem to be making their way home already.

"There is a clothing store a few blocks away, want to check it out?" Asked Saitama

"Yes okay! That'll be nice" you responded happily.

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