Chapter 3: (ghost town)

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The subway dropped you off at city-Z, a daunting feeling hit you giving you goosebumps. There were barely any lights, buildings nearly all deserted, abandoned cars, rubble everywhere, and darkness in every corner. Light-posts gave small light but not enough.

The apartment was located right in the middle of the city, you made sure to stay as quiet as possible. It was a 30 minute walk there however, it felt longer. Only one light came from the building that was the main office. A bell rang when you entered.

"Just one sec" yelled a man from the back room. You slid down your hood revealing that cute face you had, a man came out sweating "What can I do for you?" He asked.

"I called in a week ago for an apartment application" you replied

"Oh yes, I didn't actually think you would show up, what brings you here? Wouldn't a lady like you rather live somewhere else?" He asked handing papers to sign and a pen.

"Well it was cheap and this is the only place I can think of to get away" you said filling out the form. Saying the last part made you cringe, you trusted people too easily sometimes.

"I guess so, but you be careful, you never know what's out there" said the man.

You handed the forms back with ¥11,300. "by the way, there's someone else living here" the man added.
"Really?" You asked
"Yes, but I only see him when he comes to pay the rent, I'll give you the room next to him" said the man handing you a key.

"Thank you" you said giving him a smile and heading to the second floor. Hearing him say there was someone else here made you feel better, at least you had a neighbor.

You found the door number and saw that the door next door showed a bit of light through the crack, you smiled and walked inside your new home. It was cozy, with a small kitchen, bathroom, and living area. The feeling of freedom felt good, a big weight lifted from your shoulders. It made you want to cry, who could blame you, it had been hard the past year. The good thing were safe.

Setting the backpack down, you got out a small blanket. Thankfully there was a futon already there. Laying down you didn't feel Garou's presence anymore. It was just you....

The sun rose giving light to the city, it looked more nicer in the day. You woke at 8:30 a.m. to go shopping for necessities. Putting on some mascara like usual and changing into a long sleeve crop top with blue jeans hugging your curves, it was time to head out. There wasn't any sigh of any one in the next apartment so you decided to introduce yourself later. Locking the door you walked down stairs.

Thankfully there was an open store a mile away. It was small but had everything one needed.
Grocery list:
Shampoo & conditioner
Pillow & blankets
Plates & cups
And some other necessities.

You had bought everything you listed and were heading home, the bags added pressure to you hands making them red, Maybe a bike would be a good idea. The sky was beautiful, birds chirping, a few cats passing by and sun covering your body. There was a small sign of people but that was ok at least you didn't have to worry about loud neighbors, all that was left to worry about was the monsters.

You got home slowly walking up the stairs trying to carry the heavy bags, any wrong move and you were going to fall. Everything was going good until Your foot decided it was the greatest time of all! to twist itself and make you fall back. You closed your eyes waiting to feel the concrete against your body but someone caught you.

"Be careful there" said a familiar voice, he was gripping your shoulders and pressing his body against yours. "You're that guy!" You said blushing feeling his breath on your lips. Saitama corrected your position helping you with some bags. "And you're the girl" he replied.

"Thank you for helping me" you said smiling
"No problem" he responded.

"Saitama right?"
"Yeah, (Y/N)?"
"Nice to see you again, I didn't know you lived here as well" he said walking upstairs
You followed next to him.
"I moved in yesterday night, glad you're my neighbor" you said blushing a bit.
"You live right next to me huh?" He said stopping at your door. You unlocked it walking inside placing the bags in the kitchen. Saitama followed you looking around.
"What brings you here?" He asked
"I needed a place to get away to and this was the perfect place" you responded putting groceries in their rightful place.
"I thought you lived in city-A" you said looking over the counter.
"I only went there because there was a discount" replied saitama.
You let out a small giggle "Thank you again for helping me yesterday and today"
"No problem, I'm also glad to have someone else here" he said facing you.

"How about later I cook us dinner as a welcome?" You said walking closer to him.
"Sure" he said "I'll see you later" he added walking out the door.

"How weird" you said starring at his bald head.

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