Chapter 5: (Genos)

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It had been a week since the whole monster accident, you and Saitama hung out more often. He showed you video games and manga he liked, sometimes you helped him clean his house or wake him up in the mornings. It was safe to say you became good friends with Saitama.


In the Afternoon Saitama invited you for some tea, you agreed and came into his apartment. The two of you sat quietly, you liked the idea of getting to know Saitama more. The past week had been great, you forgot how much fun it was to make new friends.

"Sensei!" You both heard a yell from outside, it startled you giving you goosebumps. Who could that be?
Saitama got up and slowly opened the door, there was a minute or two before Saitama came in with a blond guy who looked like a cyborg of some kind, his face was the only part of his visible body that had what resembled flesh but you weren't sure, his eyes black with golden orbs. The cyborg stopped in the kitchen when he saw you.

"Hello" you said smiling.
"Hello, I didn't know sensei had a wife"
You chocked on you're tea hearing him, a blush plastered on your face.
"No, no, I'm just a friend" you corrected him, Saitama didn't even bother to intervene.
"Oh sorry, nice to meet you I'm Genos"
"I'm (Y/N)" You replied.

"Have a drink and go home, I'm not looking for a disciple" said Saitama setting down tea for genos.
You moved next to Saitama so Genos could sit across from you.

"Your strength is amazing, if I could study under you I could-" Genos was interrupted by Saitama lifting his hand up, he showed a serious face which you had never seen before. He went from a totally normal wired looking guy to a handsome man bleeding dominance.

"I said I don't want a disciple" said Saitama with a deep serious voice, it made you shiver from his change of persona. "Wait, you're in one back in one piece" pointed out Saitama, it made you confused by what he meant.

"I'm body is made out of mechanical parts, as long as they are available repairs are easy" explained Genos.

"You're an odd one." Replied Saitama

"What kind of parts do you use sensei?" Genos asked.

"I don't use any"

"But what about that skin-colored armor?" Asked Genos pointing to Saitama's shiny head, a snicker escaped you while trying to sip tea.

"That's my skin" answer Saitama getting irritated.

"But that would mean you're bald despite being so young" said Genos kinda talking to himself and gripping his chin, you lightly giggled under your hand at his comment. Poor Saitama, his bald head made him a target for being made fun of.

"So I'm blad! what's your problem!?" Saitama yelled crossing his arms giving you constant glances making sure you weren't laughing.

"You'll listen to my problems?" Asked the cyborg tilting his head a little making him look adorable. You tried your best not to bust out laughing at the cyborg's confusion, you felt Saitama's glare beside you burning holes in your skull. He wanted you to try and laugh so he could scold you.

Saitama signed and calmed down looking defeated "no thanks, I'm good"

Even though Saitama's answer was clear Genos still began with his story.
"Actually, four years ago, when I was 15, I was still a human being"

"Did you hear what I just said" asked saitama but Genos seemed to ignore him continuing with his story. You listened intently to the young man, his story was truthfully sad and destructive. His words got faster each time he finished a sentence, it was almost hard to keep up. Saitama, on the other hand, couldn't take much more of Geno's words, a vein on his forehead seemed to pop out meaning once again he was irritated, he leaned his head back annoyed at his situation, a little more and he would snap his neck.

"Enough! You idiot! Shorten it to 20 words or less!" Yelled Saitama slamming his fist on the table, your tea flew in the air and back inside your cup perfectly. You looked over at Genos who gave a serious look "please teach me the way to become strong like you"

"How old are you?" Asked Saitama


"I'm sure you'll surpass me in no time"

"You really mean that?"

"I'm 25 now, but I was 22 when I started training in the summer, sure I'll teach you. But it won't be easy, can you handle it?"
You saw Geno's shocked expression knowing Saitama was 22 when he started training, you would be lying if you said you aren't impressed as well, but from the looks of his new disciple, Saitama's strength was beyond what you could probably imagine.

"Hai!" Yelled Genos.

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