Chapter 7 ( sale )Part 2

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"Long ago, there existed a brilliant young scientist.
By dint of his astonishing genius...he was able to make several contributions to human knowledge.
Eventually, however, he became disillusioned with the world.
Though constantly showered with praise for the subtlety of his mind...none of his ideas of theories...ever received even the slightest support from the scientific community.
'We should not be striving to advance human civilization...but rather the artificial evolution of humans as a species'.
That was the only dream he ever had.
But not a single person came forward to help him fulfill that dream.
Thereafter, he devoted himself to research.
It was only after he turned 70 that his efforts began to yield results.
First, the scientist regained his youth.
Next, he began cloning himself.
He named his laboratory the house of evolution...and together with his clones...he conducted countless experiments with animals to create new species.
Eventually, his experiments shifted to human subjects..."

"This is taking to long!" Yelled Saitama "what's this got to do with me? You're just trying to sound cool again...just get to the point, okay?"

The gorilla robot sat almost embarrassed being almost toned out by the airhead man annoyed in front of him.

"My master is a busy man. Summarize it in 20 words or less." Glared Genos.

"I-I'm sorry" apologized the gorilla. "So in other words, my boss has become very curious about your body"

"I'm not interested in dudes," said Saitama with a weirded out look.

You giggled a bit at the turn of this conversation.

"I think you misunderstood, master...he plans to use your body, which surpasses normal human limitations...for his research on evolution" corrected Genos "if we don't do something, I'm sure he'll try again. We cannot allow him a free hand, our move is to attack"

"Sure, let's go," said Saitama with his handsome serious expression. He walked towards town right away. "now!?" asked Genos.

"Yeah. there's a sale on tomorrow. we can't do it then." said Saitama holding up a poster of the supermarket with information about the discount foods. Genos rushed to Saitama's side ready to leave as well. you watched them trailing off but Genos returned with the flyer raising his hand at the gorilla.

"hey, you" said Genos to the gorilla "y-yes?"

"I have one last question...was the house of evolution developing cyborg's prior to four years ago? How many cyborgs are there? Have any of them destroyed towns in the past?"

"I'm not sure, but at the house of evolution, I am the only combat cyborg"

Genos dropped his hand down with a look of disappointment, from what you knew from today Genos is looking for the cyborg that took his family and caused him pain.

"(Y/N) you coming" yelled Saitama

"It might be too dangerous," said Genos turning his Gaze to you.

"I'll wait for you here!" you yelled back at Saitama "come back safe ok?" you said to Genos giving him a big smile. His eyes widened a little and a small pink blush came over him "Hai!" he ran off to catch Saitama leaving you with the gorilla.

"You better have money to pay off Saitama's roof or else he might kill you" you warned to the gorilla.

"y-yes! will a check do?" he asked nervously.




It had been 2 hours since Saitama and Genos left, you called the Landlord about the roof which he said he would have it fixed as soon as possible. Deciding to save Saitama the trouble, you cleaned his house as much as you could, organized his manga, swept the ruble, dusted objects, and washed the dishes. The big chunks of the roof you left untouched cause you would fracture your spine trying to lift them. Another hour had past when everything was finished, you sat down looking up at the sun starting to make its way to sunset. There was an extra flyer on the small table.

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