Chapter 13 (gifts)

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(Y/N) went out with Saitama to check out if the small restaurant she worked in was still up and running. hopefully, it hadn't been destroyed. Most parts of the city were already in business and some still being constructed, she was to be lying if she said rumble on the ground didn't make her trip once or twice.

"are you sure you don't want to come another day?" asked Saitama with a mango drink on his hand, his other arm was inside his oppai hoodie's pocket.

"I'm sure, I want to go back to work as soon as possible" (Y/N) said keeping her eyes ahead.

Saitama watched her from the corner of his eye as she walked towards the middle of town, one or two people gave him dirty looks but he didn't notice. To him, she seemed a little stressed and in desperate need. (Y/N) hurried down the street as if she was going to be late for an event, her senses tingled the closer she got to the restaurant "why in such a hurry?" Asked Saitama.
"I...have a weird feeling that maybe something is wrong" replied (Y/N).

The street where the small restaurant was supposed to be was deserted, no buildings, no cars, only what seemed to be desert "what? I'm sure It was this way" said (Y/N) scratching her head.

"Maybe we took a wrong turn?" Wondered Saitama looking around.
"I've been working here for weeks I'm sure I would remember the direction to my own job," said (Y/N)

"Hey over here!" They heard a voice call out, both of them turned around to see the owner waving at them from a small shack, (Y/N) smiled and ran to him "are you guys ok? What happened" she asked the man.

"The shop got ruined by the meteor so the city asked us to just reconstruct everything, we'll be back to work in a month and we're good but I can't say the same for you," said the man pointing to the bandages.

"Oh, I just got a little unlucky" (Y/N) laughed "I'm sorry about the incident"

"Ah don't worry kid! This way I can remodel and stay hip like the kids these days" said the man.

They stayed for a while before leaving home, the good thing was that the construction workers seemed to do the job quickly and cleanly.
"I'm glad I'll be back to work soon" (Y/N) sighed
"It's really a big mess," said Saitama.
"Yeah..." (Y/N) responded glancing down, she still felt something inside shocking her. The feeling was like being watched or knowing something bad is coming, she stopped in her tracks and looked behind her but nobody was there, only empty streets, for a strange reason she felt like running for her life, what could possibly be following her?

"Oi, you ok?" Asked Saitama realizing she wasn't walking beside him anymore "y-yeah" she assured running to him.
"Maybe that head injury made you go crazy" joked Saitama.
"I'm crazy enough as it is" she chuckled.
In a more serious note, she did feel very strange these past few days, but she pushed it aside not wanting to worry neither Genos or Saitama.

"Hey Saitama, I'll see you back home, I need to shop for something important" suddenly said (Y/N) trying to look normal.

"Hm?" Saitama starred at her and then at the sunset sky "alright, but don't be late, you never know what could be lurking around at night"

"No worries, I'll be home before it gets too dark" assured the girl smiling, Saitama narrowed his eyes but decided to just walk home and leave her be "ok, see ya"




It was dark out already and (Y/N) was still not back from whatever she was doing.
"Master are you sure she said she would be back?" Asked Genos stopping his notes.

"Yeah I think, if I recall correctly she was going to be here by now" answered Saitama questioning himself.

"Maybe you heard her wrong and she went out with some friends," said Genos.

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