Chapter 14 (monsters)

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a few months had past and the noodle restaurant was all fixed up along with most of the city, The day you stopped wearing you bandages Saitama had defeated a giant monster on his way home, Genos wrote all over his journal when Saitama was telling the story. The owner from your work had lost contact with his shipment guy all of a sudden, it was 12:00 so your shift was almost over, you keep hearing the man murmur at his phone.

"is something wrong?" you asked walking to the counter.

"My shipment guy was supposed to arrive this morning but he never showed up, I need those goods for the week" replied the man visibly stressed.

"From where do you usually buy the goods?" you asked.

"City-J I would go but I have to stay here and cook and granny is too old to walk all the way to city-J," said the man trying to figure out what to do.

The sky was showing signs of rain and City-J was a bit far...

"if you want...I can go get them for you?" you said nervously, sure it was a bit far but he looked really stressed plus you could go see what the City looked like.

"You would really go threw the trouble (Y/N)?" he asked with concern

"yeah, don't worry too much plus there might be some cute clothes there" you giggled sweatdropping.

"Ah! (Y/N) that means a lot! I'll give you some money for the way there and back, I'll even give you a bonus for an entire week how does that sound?" he said handing you some money.

"Great! I'll be back as soon as I can!" you yelled running out of the small restaurant.

"be safe dear!" you heard the old lady say.

You took the subway to City-J, along with the money he had given you the address for the shop, you wondered how you were going to carry the stuff back hopefully they would give you some sort of cart. A small set of raindrops were beginning to fall from the sky, the sun was fully engulfed by the gray clouds making the streets seem like a ghost town. Thankfully there was a small shop open that sold umbrellas, you bought one and headed to the direction of the store. Everything seemed ok except for the rain now hitting a little harder. It took about twenty minutes before you found the store, you told the man about the shipment that was supposed to arrive today, he grabbed his chin thinking and then looked around the shop for the boxes. fortunately, they were there. He stacked the boxes on a cart, tied then with rope, and threw a blue tarp over them.

"are you sure you can't wait for tomorrow? I would hate myself if I let you go out in the pouring rain with this heavy thing" he said smiling warmly at you.

"I'm sure, I made it all the way here might as well leave with what I came here for" you chuckled Back pushing the cart out of the shop.

"Thanks for shopping with us," he said waving you goodbye.

Waving back you pushed the cart on the now wet streets, It was a little quiet, the only sound around was the raindrops hitting the concert. If you knew this place you would say it was too quiet.

"This is an announcement from the hero association. The threat level is Tiger. All citizens please stay clear of the area." A loud voice with sirens freaked you out a bit.

"w-what!?" you said, out of all the days there was an emergency right now! you looked at the boxes for a minute before shaking your head and kept going further up the street.

"Emergency evacuation warning. The threat level had been raised from tiger to demon. All residents of city-J please evacuate immediately" you heard the Warning go off again.

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