4. Alex.

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"Good morning."

Her body awakened itself, her fingers automatically curling up to a fist and pushing themselves against the person who dared to whisper this close to her. As soon as her fist hit his nose, he yelled in pain and backed off, giving her enough time to roll down the couch onto the floor and stand straight, ready to kick him in his weak spot till she realized who it was.

"Shit, Alex, I am so so sorry, are you hurt," she tried to go close to him to check up on him when he walked back a few steps, his right palm covering his nose while the other hand pointed an index finger at her.

"You, stay away," he managed to say in pain. "I knew you were crazy, but I did not know punching your husband's best friend and your best friend the first thing in the morning is something you love to do." He breathed out, his fingers massaging his own nose as he stood steps away from her.

"Alex, I am sorry," she managed to control her tears. "It was out of reflex, the voice was unknown so my brain just did what it was supposed to, I am sorry-" Tears streamed down her face as her palms went up to cover her cheeks and eyes. Alex quickly walked up to her, his nose still hurting from the punch.

"Hey hey it's fine, look,-" he touched his nose. "See, no bleeding, no pain, don't worry D please."

Her sniffles and tears now filled the room, for guilt was eating her up. How could she not recognise Alex's voice? She should have atleast opened her eyes first then punched him, poor boy.

Her brain just repeated one thing: a great way to start the day Divya.

"Hey, please D, please, look at that man right there," he pointed at a sleeping Daksh and Divya raised her eyes to look at him too, "that man would bury me here alive if he came to know you cried because of me."

Her tears stopped and she sniffled, trying to acknowledge the depth of his words. "Please I beg you meri maa, don't cry he will wake up to punch me harder."

She chuckled, wiping the tears from the back of her hand while looking at Daksh. He was in the same position and she sighed, wondering when that would change.

"Kuchbhi." (what nonsense.) She grunted at him.

"Aree, really," he exclaimed. "Daksh has specifically instructed me to take care of you on the wedding day itself whenever he is not around. Also, he has an entire team ready to attack if something happens to you." he casually claimed as if it was nothing.
"Bhalla Aunty sent breakfast, let's eat."

"You went home?" She asked him, ignoring the questions in her head as she stretched her arms. "Shit."

"What happened?" Alex asked.

"I forgot my toothbrush at home yaar."

"Don't worry, the hospital provides everything!"

She rolled her eyes at which he sighed, and urged her to go check for herself. She walked into the bathroom and realised that it did provide everything. Right from a toothbrush, toothpaste, a comb, facewash, shampoo, a conditioner, a freaking conditioner and a towel.


Can do wonders, can't it?

Freshening up she quickly proceeded to have breakfast with Alex by her side. He seemed better than yesterday, but his cheerful face was not as good as before. He carried a fake smile and was stealing glances at Daksh while munching on the theplas, his actions clearly stating what he felt.

"Don't worry, he will be awake soon." Divya placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you assuring me or your own self?" He looked at her as he stuffed a piece of thepla in her mouth.

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