14. date.

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"Babes, it's not a date!" Steve wailed as Divya was giggling on the other end of the phone. Rains in Mumbai had slowed down a bit as the weekend entered, making way for the sun after a long time.

"If I say it's a date, it is a date." Divya smiled as she munched on the pomegranate grains. Daksh had cleaned up the pomegranates and placed them in a bowl for her to munch before he left for work, just like he always did. "Also, I haven't seen or heard Alex hang out with anyone other than Daksh, so you better take care of him."

"The fuck," Steve ran a hand through his hair as he saw his outfit in the mirror. A sky blue sweatshirt over black wide jeans. Simple but classy. "Divya Darling, I need to be taken care of, I don't take care of anyone."

"You take care of me."

"That is different, and this is not a date, Alex and I are just meeting for lunch because we are free, that's it."

"Fine, as you say! Have fun!" A little banter here and there as she hung up, an idea crossing her mind as her phone rang again.

"Hey, Alex." She smiled.

"Hey D, how's my favourite girl doing?"

"Amazing as ever, where are you?"

She heard the opening and shutting of a door followed by the revving of the engine. "Aren't you in the office?" She smiled, pretending not to know what she knew.

"Actually, I left early, Daksh said he would manage the meeting." Divya smiled. What a liar. She bit back a laugh as she envisioned Alex praying to not get caught in the lie.

"So come home Alex, we'll have lunch."

Alex choked on the water he was sipping as she continued munching on her fruit, his lack of sudden answer contrasting his personality.

"Steve and I were texting, and, ummm, I told him I left early, so wearehavinglunchtogether."

"What did you say at the end? I did not get that?"

"We are having lunch together, and it is not a date."

"I never said it was!" Divya smiled now, wondering where this would go. Two chaotic people, almost crazy and equally mad, claiming to be sane and sharing one brain cell, together on a date.

The universe works in wonderful ways.

"Have fun Alex, and please don't lead Steve on if you don't have the same intentions as him." She hung up as Alex wondered, the depth of her words hanging in the air, failing to reach him.

She had finished her pomegranate and was washing the bowl when she thought of how even after rejoining the office, Daksh made time to do this little thing of chopping and storing her favorite fruits.

Love language?


No. What love? Which language?

She should never be left alone with her thoughts as she would go into another dimension. She was planning on what to cook for dinner when an idea drove into her head.

After a tiring yet productive day, Daksh was more than happy to be home. There was a time when he would have willingly chosen not to come back to the empty house, but the presence of a certain someone in the elegant five-bedroom house changed his perspective and opinions on a lot of things.

Funny how the human brain works.

Even funny when your always-smart and sarcastic best friend who has the answers to all the questions before even asking was flabbergasted and speechless when asked why he needed to leave early. And by early, Daksh meant before lunch.

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