3. honey brown eyes.

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"Bhalla aunty is the best," Alex claimed as he munched on the food sent by her. They were sitting in the corridor and he was having food, even though it was not allowed on the hospital premises. But guess what? One phone call and all the rules appear to break for these boys. Divya was against the plan and had insisted Alex walk down to take the food. Still, he had called someone up and she was escorted to the floor along with the tiffin by one of the two guys in dark black suits which fit as if they were made for them and perfectly chiselled faces that came straight out of Pinterest. She did not know any of them and did not bother to, all she knew was they would be standing at the entry of the corridor where his room was.

She had visited him while Alex was sitting by his bed, and nothing had changed, the tubes, wires, bandages, even the side to which his face was tilted remained the same, and she could not help but lose courage watching him in that state. He was not much of a talkative person, but whenever he was in the room, his presence could not be ignored. He had an aura of his own which she was in awe of, always. In the couple of parties they had attended in the past month, she had seen him attract, grab, and hold the attention of the people present around, without speaking much. People genuinely admired him and it could be seen in their eyes while they spoke to him, respect coating every word of theirs. His sense of understanding the other person's opinion and his way of explaining his thoughts was very well appreciated by everyone around. It had made her conscious one time as many of them had started gathering around. Seeing her uncomfortable he quickly made an effort to sneak out of the party, without even bothering to ask anyone.

That one gesture in the first week of their marriage had made her respect him more.

And that is what hurt her more today, for the aura and vibe he carried seemed to be missing, the air around did not feel as if he had walked into the room, it felt different.

Something felt incomplete.

"Don't be so worried about him, he won't like it." Alex's voice brought her out of her daydreaming and she rolled her eyes at him. "Go home if you are done." she pushed him out off the bench and packed the tiffin back. "Drive safe okay." The change in her voice from commanding to soft melted his heart and he wrapped his arms around her through the side surprising her.

"Alex, I am fine bro," she assured him.

Was she though?

No time to think about that.

Explaining to her about the expenses, his tests and the two men in suits again, he walked out trying to let go of the heavy feeling in his chest. It was his best friend of 12 years that lay in that room, his closest confidant and a part of his soul. Even though Daksh was weak in communicating his feelings, he always had actions to show how much Alex meant to him. Alex managed all the three hotel branches, right from the room service to the people who stayed there to the food, he knew every nook and corner of the places Daksh owned. It was Daksh's dream to go into that business and he had fulfilled it entirely on his own. Even when his father had offered to invest in the beginning, he refused and went out to find investors of his own, making him one of the youngest entrepreneurs to exist in Mumbai.

Alex did not want to miss the chance of working with his best friend, hence when Daksh offered him the position of the Managing Director of all three branches, he accepted in the blink of an eye.

They had been with each other on every tough night, every hard day and every bad moment.

Alex was never lonely because he had Daksh.

And even though Daksh would never accept in his right senses that Alex is his best friend, he would never even trade their bond for anything.

This did not go unnoticed by Divya, for she had seen them together, the way Daksh let go of his tense attitude around Alex and the way his lips curved upwards in a lazy way for anyone to not know. She knew Alex was the one person Daksh loved the most, and that is what made her more worried for Alex.

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