1. the accident.

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"Hello. Who is speaking?"

A female voice fell on her ears when she picked up the phone. The screen displayed Husband as the caller ID, but a female made the call.

Maybe his girlfriend?

Divya didn't know if he had one but why can't he? He would have told her for sure, but what if he did not?

The thought itself made her heart flicker for a moment, and even though she had no rights over him, or they were not bonded to each other, she felt sad. Deciding to ignore her heart as she always does, she answered in a stern and clear voice.

"Divya Oberoi."

What the fuck?

She always goes by the name Divya Desai, even after marriage, as she was uncomfortable with adding his surname. At one or two of the parties she attended, she went by the name Divya Desai Oberoi. It was against her conscience to add his surname as her own when their relationship was nothing but a formality.

It was her choice and she didn't care what people say.

"How are you related to Mr Daksh Oberoi?"

This woman asked way too many questions.

"I am his wife." A tingling sensation awakened in her stomach as the words left her mouth, but it soon died as she heard the subsequent line.

"I am speaking from True Health Hospital, Andheri. Mr Oberoi was in an accident and he is currently admitted here."

The world around her spun and she dropped on her chair. Registering what the woman told her, she somehow managed to mutter okay to her. Taking deep breaths, she was unable to move herself no matter how hard she wanted to run from that place. Composing herself, she ran to the head of her department, explained the situation and left as she could. The afternoon sun hit her head as she walked out of her college, and a debate in her head about whether she should take a taxi or walk.

That is when God proved his existence to her, once again.

On any other day, no taxi would agree to drop her at the station, but today there was one standing right in front of the college gate, asking her where she wished to go. Sitting inside she gathered the change required to pay the kind man driving her, and she was surprised when she reached in less than 5 minutes.

No red signal. At all.

Running towards the platform she got into the first fast train that stood there, which left the moment she got inside. Panting, all she did was whisper prayers into the air, begging to keep him safe. Her anxiety was rising every second and there was nothing she could do.

She wished him to be near.

Her eyes fell on an elderly couple sitting in the compartment, their hands entwined together while they whispered something to each other and smiled. She and Daksh could never get to that level, they would not even sit that close but at least they shared a table at dinner and thinking about the possibility that it may not happen again made her shiver in her place.

Even if they didn't talk much, there was a feeling of peace she had when he was around. They had decided to get married so that their parents could merge their businesses and for a few other personal reasons. After meeting three times and concluding they were in the same situation, they had agreed on the condition that life wouldn't change much. They would be tied together only for them to lead their individual lives as it was. They had zero expectations from each other, and that's what would make it easier for them to separate after a year. She was not afraid of him, nor did she feel even for one single moment that he may take advantage of her, force himself or her, or abuse her. There could be 100 ways to exploit your wife- physically, emotionally, mentally and verbally.

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