9. past.

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"Why do you bring so many papers if you cannot correct them?" Steve questioned as he munched on his chips, while Daksh thought of the next move. They were playing chess as she entered the hospital room and placed her bag of papers on the couch, walking towards them as Daksh moved his rook two blocks ahead. "That is because I have to submit them by tomorrow, and yes I do have time for correction."

"You have time because you sleep less, duh." Steve moved his knight back, in an attempt to save himself from the rook.

"He is right Divya, you should go home and finish the work first." Daksh moved his king ahead. Surrounded by all of Steve's black pieces, he felt so trapped.

Stupid king, cannot even move more than one block.

"You and Steve are pairing up against me," Divya huffed as she snatched the chips from Steve, placing them away. "And this, this is not allowed."

"It is, for the rich, and influential," Steve answered, his eyes not leaving the board. "And my darling, you have a super rich husband so yes return the chips."

She could not believe it. They hadn't spoken more than a line or two in any interaction she knew of, yet in the past week, Daksh and Steve had found so much in common. She had decided to take turns with Steve to be with Daksh, a rule soon broken by Divya as she was present at all times available, except when she went to college.

Which she rarely did.

The summer finals were over and she had the job to correct the answer papers. The rest of everything the principal assured her would be taken care of, yet she did not find time to do it.

She could, she just did not want to leave Daksh alone and do it.

Or she did not want to lose any time doing anything else other than spending time with him.

"The chips," Steve snapped her out of her thoughts as he moved his queen diagonally, right in front of the king.

Daksh sighed. Any move he made would kill his king.

"Checkmate." Steve stretched his hands, his eyes meeting Daksh's. There was a satisfactory smile on his face. A state-level player, chess flowed in his veins more than blood, and there wasn't a single game he had lost.

He played to win.

"I am here so you can leave for the day." Divya crossed her arms sitting on the stool as Steve glared at her.

"The audacity to kick me out?" his hands were on his face as his lips formed an o, an expression which caused her to roll her eyes.

"It is late evening Steve, since morning you have been here, that is why I said." Divya opened the water bottle and took a sip.

"I think she is right bro." Daksh placed all the pieces back in the box as he folded the board.

"Why don't you guys tell me clearly that you want to make out here, which is why you are kicking me out."

The board fell off his hands and she choked on the water, coughing as Steve realized what he just said. He just hoped he did not offend Daksh.

"Sorry, Daksh I meant-,"

"You never know." Daksh raised his eyebrows, mischievousness evident in his eyes. It took a moment for Divya to understand what was going on, by the time she did, the boys were a laughing mess.

"What is so funny?" Alex walked in the door and Divya felt as if she could have someone on her team, finally.

"They are making fun of me Alex," her puppy eyes stared at him as she held his hand while he stood next to her.

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