5. Steve.

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"Did you stay up all night next to him?"

Her sharp voice emerged through the phone, like a bolt of lightning in a clear black sky, and even though she was continents apart, Divya felt the goosebumps rise on her skin just by her voice.

"Yes ma'am, I was with him, the doctor says he is doing well-"

"He should have been awake by now if he is doing well." her voice cut Divya's reply and she fell silent. Raavi Ma'am never liked her, and she made it evident in every interaction they had. They had met only four times after her wedding, the number precisely stored in her head because of the way she was treated.

It was as if they were the king and the queen, whose royal prince had decided to marry a pauper.

Even though Divya was born to a rich father, she did not spend any penny of his. She was content with whatever she earned, it was more than enough for her to maintain her simple yet elegant lifestyle. Maybe this was the reason her mother-in-law hated her.

She always wanted Daksh to marry someone more of a showoff, which she, happily, is not.

The worst part was, that she did not even have the basic courtesy to mask her emotions or speak with politeness. There is a thin line between being angry and being disrespectful, and Raavi Ma'am was always on the disrespectful side.

"Are you going to answer me or not?" Her raised voice made Divya flinch and she jerked in place, in response to which Alex quickly snatched the phone from her and answered himself.

"Aunty, Alex here, yes Dr. Shetty is in charge....yes, yes Ishaan Shetty... they are taking full care of him....he is indeed in the best hands...yes...no don't worry...I am not leaving him alone with Divya at all...no...no no....yaa take care, and tell me I'll book tickets for your return if dates are confirmed....sure....bye."

He hung up and slumped down on the couch, his palms running through his face as he sighed.

"Should I go?" Divya asked in a meek tone.

"Pagal hai kya? (Are you mad?)," he sat straight, taking a deep breath. "You sometimes have to say and do certain things to keep away certain people." He air-quoted the word certain and it took a couple of seconds for her to realise what he meant.

"I don't know why she doesn't like me."

"Are meri jaan ( oh my life)," he held her hand and made her sit down. "After everything that happened with Bhai and Neha, she just doesn't want to believe you are good, bass. That does not reduce your worth in any way."

Relief washed over her as she heard him. Her gaze found him as the words left her lips. "How are you always so nice?"

"What?" he chuckled.

"No, seriously, how do you know how to say the right thing at the right time?"

"Kuch bhi bolti hai ( rubbish she says!)" Alex just smiled as he shut his eyes.

"No, Alex," she made him face her, forcing him to look into her eyes. "Not only with me, with Bhalla aunty, Raavi ma'am, Dad, everyone, you know exactly what to say, how?"

"Because I am the best!" Raising his hands in victory, he faced the floor again as he rested them on his knees, fingers interlocked.

"Alex, how are you so nice and kind and just amazing?"

The warmth in her tone, the honesty in her words, and the eagerness to know made him raise his eyes, love and admiration filled them as he pointed towards the bed.

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