2. his state.

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The moment she entered the room, she just wished she did not.

Regret filled inside of her, followed by immense pain, for she did not know what was hurting, but something did, and all she wanted was for the pain to go away.

Her eyes fell on him, tears filling them again as she walked closer, her brain processing the sight ahead. A white bandage covered his forehead, some weird tube passing through his nose. His veins were shoved with a needle and a device she did not know what, but it connected two more tubes, pushing something into his blood. As she moved further to settle herself on the chair next to him, she noticed how his right shoulder had the same bandages all around, with bruises ranging down from his elbow to his long fingers.

She wanted to cry out loud.

The same feeling she had felt 10 years ago returned, creeping slowly through her gut and climbing upwards, making it hard for her to breathe with every passing second. She had been here before, this same situation repeating itself, the only difference was in the people who lay down in front of her.

And she knew very well how destiny raised its hands in a quick movement to snatch anything that made her happy.

She did not know why the thought of him making her happy washed a wave of calmness over her, which disappeared as soon as she understood the existing reality.

Also, the silence in the room made it very difficult for her to stay in place.

The constant beeping of the machines, the drip of the saline falling drop by drop perfectly aligned with the second's hand of her watch, his slow, properly timed breathing along with the faint but weird smell of medicine that filled the room despite the air conditioner, she could not focus on anything other than the fact that the man she has been living with for over a month is now lying unconscious in front of her.

By the look on his face, he seemed so normal, hence the fact that he is in a coma did not settle well with her.

Should she call his name and try to wake him up?

She has never called his name before but it doesn't matter, does it?

She should give it a try.

But will it work?

The shrill ringing of her phone threw her out of her overthinking, making her flinch in place as the device fell out of her hold straight to the floor. She bent down to silence it, the back of her head bumping on the bed as she got up, a tsk sound leaving her lips as she massaged her head, hoping not to break any bones while she was there. A glance at her phone reminded her of its ringing and she picked it up, walking towards the window to speak.


"Divya, how is he now?" The commanding voice came from the other end, calming her a bit. Despite their differences, he had always made her feel safe and treated her like his own daughter. "He is still in a coma Dad", she whispered. She was unsure of why she did not speak normally, for a minute ago she wanted to talk to him and wake him up, but now she didn't want to disturb him.

Someone reading the thoughts in her head would think she is crazy.

"We are trying our best to get out of here, but they say we have to stay the entire week as committed, there should be something we can do, we are trying-"

"It's fine Dad. I know Germany is not the next station. Alex and I are here, we will manage." She so wanted to scream at the man that his son was in a coma and he had the power to get out of that conference and catch the first flight here, but she chose to stay calm right now.

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