11. home.

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The rays of the morning sun tiptoed their way through the navy blue curtains, softly caressing her eyes. Divya tried to move her face away from the sun, her right arm stretching towards the bedside table in search of the AC remote, the low temperature making her shiver. As she turned to save herself from the soft rays and try to catch a few more minutes of sleep in the dark, her nose collided with something soft, making her snap her eyes open in an instant.

That is when the realisation hit her.

Her eyes had opened to view the most handsome man to exist on earth, with one of his arms snaked around her stomach, not just holding her, but pulling her towards him. His nose was buried in her hair before she decided to turn, and now it brushed against her nose. His eyes were shut and protected by those long, dense and stunning lashes which she was always jealous of, wondering how on earth they were just so perfect. Thick eyebrows covered his clear skin, their shape perfectly done by God himself, without any human intervention.

She usually wasn't a morning person, but she was ready to sacrifice all her sleep to witness this gorgeous man sleeping every single day for the rest of her life.

For the rest of her life, wow. Too far of thought, but what is wrong to try thinking?

It had been 10 days after he was discharged from the hospital, 10 days since he stood up against his mother, 10 days to the evening he held her hand and walked in through the door to the place he calls home. The very same night he had walked into her room, sat on her bed and respectfully asked her to move in with him, promising he wouldn't cross any boundaries and never make her uncomfortable. The honesty in his eyes and her selfishness to choose a better life, a life with him made her agree, and she was in his room for the first time that night. The navy blue curtains paired with the soft beige walls welcomed her with warmth, the bed softer than the ones she had ever laid her hands on hugged her as she sat on it, the windows large enough to let the breeze and sunlight flow in smiled at her, a literal walk-in closet filled with his clothes on one side and empty on the other spoke to her that she was supposed to be here ever since the day she got married.

She was a little hesitant at first, but a hand on her back and his familiar smile swept her doubts away, making her accept the fact in a moment that this was her room now.

"Don't stare so much," his husky voice hit her ears and she snapped out of her thoughts. A shiver ran down her spine as he spoke with such proximity to her, his gaze deep in her eyes. There was a way with which he looked at her, something that the 26 alphabets could not put together. It made her feel so safe and secure, like a warm hug on a winter afternoon, and yet it lingered around for a second more for her to feel butterflies in her stomach.

"I, the AC," she tried to move out of his hold, but he simply took the remote and increased the temperature. Throwing the remote somewhere on the bed, he closed his eyes and snuggled into her more, making her smile.

"Daksh, it's morning, let me wake up." Why was she whispering when he was already awake?

"It's Saturday mi reina, and it is just 7. Sleep."

The voice. A few more words in the same husky tone and she will melt right here in his arms.

What is wrong with her?

"I still have to enter the marks in the mark sheet, and we have to go for follow-up also, not to forget you promised me you would help with the totalling of marks and we need to buy plants too,-"

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