6. Daksh.

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She jumped up from the couch and ran to him, nearly falling over. Balancing herself, she could see through her teary vision that he was watching her and wanted to get up, but before he could even try she was on her knees beside his bed, her right palm caressing her cheeks as she looked into his dark eyes.

How much she had missed those eyes of his!

She just stared, sniffing and wiping her tears through her other palm, and all Daksh did was stare at her, a gaze that contained so many emotions that she could not decipher, and she did not even try. At this moment all she wanted to do was just hold him close. It did not even occur to her that this was the first time in her marriage that she was touching him, with complete rights, and to say she felt better would be an understatement.

"You are awake," she sniffled. "I should call the doctor." She tried to search for her phone, her palms checking her pockets as her eyes travelled around, trying to locate the device. When she couldn't find it in a couple of seconds, she decided to get up, all the while mumbling something to herself.

"Shh." She heard him.

Her movements stopped and she stared at him, while tears continued to flow, her eyes fixed on him.

"S.. ...n" she could not hear him so she went close, pulling the stool and sitting down. She bowed down, her ear close to his lips, his breath fanning her ear as he spoke, "Calm down Divya, just sit."

She could feel her blood rush to her head and goosebumps coating her skin as he whispered her name, for the very first time in their marriage. A look into his eyes, and she realised how much this man meant to him. She wiped all her tears, sniffled and held his hand in hers, her left palm running through his hair as she spoke.

"How are you feeling?" She whispered. Why am I whispering, she thought to herself.

"Why are you whispering?" He voiced her thoughts. Unknown to her a chuckle escaped her lips and she looked down.

"I don't know. I guess I am weird."

Never in her dreams, she would have had the courage to speak to him like this.

"You guess?" She could see he had tried to raise one of his eyebrows, an attempt to smirk was evident on his face.

"Fine, I am weird now let me call the doctor." She got up when she heard him mutter, "You okay?" She smiled. "I should be the one asking you this." She could see his attempt to smile and it made her feel better in so many ways. Even in this state, he thought about calming her down and helping her brain function well. Opening the door, she alerted the nurse to come to check up on him. The bodyguards were quick to hear and one of them went to make a phone call to Raavi ma'am, but Divya stopped him.

She will call after she knows all the details.

Which means she will make Alex call her.

Remembering him, she quickly walked back in to search for her phone. Finding the device on the couch, she sent texts to the two people who claimed to be her best friends but had a high probability of being with each other at this very moment.

Sitting by his bed again, she held his palm and was about to say something when Dr Shetty walked in with the senior doctor. After checking his vitals and a few reports, they decided to remove the breathing tube now that he was awake. Divya was scared to no extent, she didn't know why and was constantly praying in her heart. A known fear, which could not be named, was bubbling in her as they proceeded to remove the pipes. Daksh extended his fingers towards her, and she quickly noticed the movement to grab his hand in hers again.

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