Chapter 4: The Team

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In the late morning sunlight, a charismatic agent of the Protocol stood before his closet. With excitement and happiness all over his face, he carefully browsed through outfit combinations, contemplating which one would be perfect for his lunch outing. A broad smile adorned the young agent's face as he pondered what attire might catch the eye of a certain someone. The young agent's name was Phoenix. His fiery personality mirrored his appearance, with an average height that belied his well-built physique, hinting at his strength and agility. His hair, styled in a short, spiky manner, carries hues of black and orange, further embodying his fiery motif.

As Phoenix held up different clothing options, his excitement grew with each passing moment. He imagined the impressed face on the girl he had asked out, hoping to make a lasting impression when she sees him. Yet, just as he was about to make his final decision, his communications device rang urgently, breaking his daydream.

A sigh of disappointment escaped Phoenix's lips as he realized that all agents present were being summoned for an important meeting. Hastily abandoning his quest to impress, he resigned himself to wearing his trusty and familiar ensemble. He quickly slipped into his usual attire: a sleek black t-shirt, and an eye-catching orange and white jacket that represents his vibrant personality. Paired with black trousers that emphasized coolness, he was ready to make an impression. The only problem perhaps, was his sullen face. Phoenix was sulking. 

Exiting his room, Phoenix navigated the corridors of the Valorant headquarters. As he made his way to the meeting room, he encountered a fellow agent and good friend, Yoru. 

Yoru's appearance was distinct, adding a touch of mystery to his persona. He had a lean physique, slightly shorter than Phoenix. His spiky dark hair was styled in a wild, disheveled manner, with two shades of blue, one light and the other being much darker. He wore an eye-catching blue jacket with orange linings and a form-fitting black shirt underneath which complemented his lithe figure.

"Yo! What's going on now?" Phoenix asked, hoping for some insight. Yoru glanced up from the sandwich in his hand to see Phoenix. With a nonchalant shrug, Yoru took another bite, "How the hell am I supposed to know, idiot?" he replied indifferently. "That's why we're going to the meeting room. They'll tell us there," he continued casually.

The both of them paced down the hallway to the meeting room, with frustration etched on Phoenix's face. Yoru, walking beside him, glanced over with a disinterested expression, taking casual bites from his sandwich. Phoenix let out a heavy sigh and started venting his disappointment. 

"Can you believe it, man? I finally mustered up the courage to ask Jett out for lunch, and what happens? Brimstone calls for a last-minute meeting. Typical," Phoenix grumbled, his voice filled with annoyance. Yoru, swallowing the last bite of his sandwich, simply shrugged his shoulders. "Nice," he nonchalantly replied. "Just ditch the meeting then. Scoop up the girl and run," he continued jokingly. Phoenix shot Yoru a sideways glance, his irritation still evident. "Easy for you to say. You've got your mysterious ninja thing going on. Ugh, my lunch plans are shattered," he muttered, his tone tinged with disappointment.

As they continued down the hallway, the duo finally arrived at a room where the other agents were gathering. Phoenix took a deep breath, trying to shake off his frustration. Yoru quickly finished his sandwich and threw away the wrapper in a nearby bin. Phoenix hesitated for a moment before finally stepping into the room after Yoru, with his mood still dampened by the lost lunch date. 

As they entered the meeting room, Phoenix's sullen expression vanished in an instant as his eyes landed on his crush, Jett. Time seemed to stand still as Jett gracefully took her seat, her gaze sweeping across the room until it locked with Phoenix's. A warm smile curved her lips, and she waved affectionately, causing Phoenix's heart to skip a beat. A bright smile stretched across his face, and he eagerly made his way to the open seat directly across from her. Yoru smoothly slipped into the seat beside Phoenix with a mischievous grin, silently acknowledging the unspoken spark between them.

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